Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Children Were Nestled All Snug in their Beds...

If we are referring to Sawyer and Ellyn. The other two are with dad at the movie theater watching BOLT in 3D on military discount night. How much more exciting can life get?

The dogs and I are hanging out in the clean (I include that because I am really savoring the moment), cozy, warm, living room. No music, no tv, no kids, no barking, no phones, no husband, just an occasional creak from the rusty, aged gas heater beneath the window. It feels very weird. Kind of nice though, a little time to catch up. You see, with Mike home there is actually nothing that we have done separately until tonight. Within reason, we don't take poopy diapers out to the garbage can together, he doesn't stand beside me while I blow dry my hair or put my makeup on either. I'm just saying I don't have that 45 minutes or so after the kids go to bed where I sit in my bed and check my email, write on the blog, and write a few quick messages on Facebook. Frankly, I have enjoyed the change. I feel much less like an old maid librarian.

Today I finally did a bunch of the crap that I have been putting off for a week. Call AT&T about the messed up cellphone bill, set up Sawyer's Dr. appt. You know, the normal stuff that takes up so much time every day.

So our life has gone something like this the past few days. At five thirty Mike's alarm clock on his new iphone wakes us up with the most annoying ring ever, singing "Fire it up, fire it up." Oh how I miss my blackberry with the slow crescendo of meditative chimes. Some day I am going to get that alarm clock they have for sale in the Sky Mall catalog. The one that slowly begins to light up, the heat from the light activates the oil scents that waft through the air while nature's sounds gradually increase in volume. Half an hour later and you are naturally and peacefully awake. Doesn't that sound perfect? No, sleeping sounds perfect, this would be next best. I have wanted that alarm clock for over three years now. Why have I never bought it? A. It is $50.00 for an alarm clock, and 2. Who actually orders items from the Sky Mall catalog? So I'm stuck with "Fire it up, Fire it up." I wish I could play it on here so you could understand my pain. Mike has promised to change it.

So that was a major sidetrack. Okay, we get Jane and Ellyn off to school. Sadie still has to wake up before we leave so we can say morning prayers but she either gets to snuggle her daddy in bed or sit by the heater on a stool and drink hot chocolate. She wins either way. I drop Ellyn and Jane off and then come home and get Sadie dressed while Mike takes care of Sawyer. Then... we all bundle up, throw Sawyer in the backpack, leash up the dogs and head to the bus stop. After Sadie gets on the bus we walk the dogs, come home and play with Sawyer and clean up the kitchen, lay Sawyer down for a nap, and then play a game. Other activities vary but Mike and I made a deal that we would play a game 5 times before I had to learn a new one (I love playing games, I hate learning new ones). So right now we are playing Agricola and I have won 3 out of 4 times. Mike likes to try different strategies, I stick with the one that works. I love the game and love talking smack so it makes for an enjoyable morning. Those two hours in the morning and the two hours at night after the kids go to sleep give us some nice alone time. This is very necessary because the rest of our day is utter chaos, all the norm that I have detailed over all these long months. We love it though, and when I say "we" I actually mean "we." Cool, huh?

My poor macbook is in the shop getting fixed and I miss her. Good thing she was under warranty. Not even anything having to do with us inadvertently attacking it in anyway. That's a relief. I need her back so that I can post pictures and download the software for my new camera. Then my life as a photographer can begin. Please don't expect Ansel Adams or anything but I am excited nonetheless.

I am incredibly tired and I think I am going to take a little cat nap before the movie goers return. Week one of life with a husband. Sweet Dreams.


At 6:08 AM , Blogger Meags said...

wow brookie it sounds like heaven!


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