Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Goings on

I feel like I haven't written forever, and I haven't, for real. A brief update- last weekend Mike and I met Kenn, Barb, Marnie, Dave, and Adina up in San Francisco for the weekend. Jane and her friends and my friends did the babysitting for the weekend. Thank goodness for good peeps. We had a really great trip. I love getaways with Mike and it has been a long, long time.

My Beth moved to Maryland this week. My running buddy is gone. I am extremely sorrowful. Running buddies have a special place in my heart. I will miss her dearly. We tried to fill up our last week of her being here with as many little activities (mostly workouts) as we could. Many, many great memories, the Lorah family will be missed.

I am still struggling with plantar's fasciitis in my heel and that has been a major bummer. I have run a few times in the past week and I don't have too much pain. If it was just the minor pain I could deal, I just don't want any permanent damage. I am so worried about a chronic condition.

Jane made second chair for the Monterey County Honor Band and pulled straight A's this trimester. She has made a couple of good friends finally and is really enjoying life right now.
I just had a parent teacher conference with Sadie's teacher. Sadie is an amazingly smart girl, a gifted reader, and an amazing writer. These things I knew. Her teacher has to retire in December to go take care of his sick father. We are seriously bummed around here. Sadie adores him, he has a great sense of humor which my girl fully appreciates.

Ellie is still amazing. I am debating cutting her hair to a bob. She hates having her hair brushed sooo much, but it's so cute long and we don't want it to look utilitarian. Weigh in with any opinions please.

Mike has nearly no life at all. He has so much work to do this term and he has also begun work on his thesis. This week there were multiple nights where he stayed up till midnight or one and was back up at 4 or 5. I don't know how he'll keep up the pace. Hopefully his next term will not be so demanding. I think he and Jason are excited though to get moving on their thesis work.

Sawyer is giving us fits. Okay, I started this blog on Thursday I believe, maybe at the midnight showing of Harry Potter while Jane was getting her treat? It is now Sunday. Sawyer and I spent Friday night at the ER after Mike and I unsuccessfully tried to soothe our boy and his tummy aches. Finally at 2:30, when the whimpering became actual crying we set off for an area of the hospital that we have already visited within the past two months. So they took a lot of blood, did an xray and an ultrasound and came back with constipation (even though he had pooped two times that day and at least once every day and it wasn't overly soft). So... he was given meds to loosen everything up, those meds made him throw up. They gave him anti nausea meds and sent us home with more meds. We came home and he started running a low grade fever. I called the ER doc back, we are supposed to keep a close eye on him and call his Dr. Monday morning. In the meantime his tummy is feeling better but now his fever is about 102. I hate this kind of thing. I want to know what is wrong and I want to fix it! Hopefully our Dr. will get us on the right path tomorrow.

Okay, so it is Monday morning and I am finishing this post no matter what. Sawyer is seeing the doc at 11:30. He woke up crying at 3:15 am and told Mike he would feel better if they could play Lego Batman. So out they went to the living room for Lego Batman. Ellyn was asleep on the floor (it's her new favorite place to sleep, she goes there every night) and we were worried she would wake up so I carried her into bed with me which did wake her up. Awesome. So it was a night of Lego Batman, Little Mermaid, Finding Nemo, and Dora. I am soo tired!

Off to take Sadie to school. I wouldn't wake up Sawyer to take her to the bus, one late day won't hurt anything. Blog out!
P.S. Since I meant to add Jane to my update before I posted on Beech Tree and Sundry it has been a few days since I posted this on Breezy. So a brief Sawyer update. Dr. said everything looked clear for Sawyer, all the tests came back normal. He wasn't running a fever when I took him in and he was good all day Monday but his fever came back last night. Paula, I talked to him about the fever. Monday the dr. said he probably had just caught a flu bug that coincided with everything else. Could be, but... we are a little worried based on everything he's been through this past little while. Please keep the kid in your prayers.
We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We love and miss you all.


At 9:26 PM , Blogger Mindi said...

I'm glad to hear Sawyer is doing better! Sorry to hear about your plantar fasciitis. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only runner in this family who gets injured. I'm starting to get pain in my shin as I increase my mileage and my foot is starting to hurt and burn also. I'm sure I run lopsided and goofy and that is why all my injuries are on my right leg. I've just never been brave enough to have someone video me while running so I can improve my form.
I'm jealous you have the Willmore's for Thanksgiving! We are having our first solo dinner tomorrow night due to illness. I'll probably call you to see what you are cooking up so I can live vicariously through you "

At 7:04 PM , Blogger Joan said...

So fun to catch up on you. Sorry about your foot. Yes, I would be the one with the chronic condition from my foot but I am grateful I can still run once a week and teach a step class once a week. The rest of the time, without my insert I limp! Crap! I hope Sawyer is doing better!


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