Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Weekend

Saturday morning was Mormon Helping Hands. Mike was in charge of the project for the two Monterey Wards. Jane had a major play rehearsal, Sawyer and Ellie had a babysitter since Mike and I were going to be busy coordinating everyone, that left Sadie on her own helping with her two well gloved hands.

Yes, she was adorable and actually worked very hard. I can't quite hide my astonishment. The project went really well. We had beautiful weather and Mike had everything very well organized.

I came home and went to a baby shower with all of my favorite people, ate delicious food, relaxed, and then came home so that we could go pick up Mike's bib number for the Big Sur Marathon.

Mike, Sawyer, Sadie, Ellyn and I walked a few blocks through downtown Monterey and visited the fitness expo, collected Mike's stuff, and then we made a little trip to Trader Joe's so Mike could pick out what he wanted to eat after his marathon.

This is Mike and Jason at 5:30am. The marathon was a down and back this year because of a road washout so there was nowhere to cheer along the route. I realized as I was driving down to the finish line that Mike had completely over estimated how long it would take him and that I was going to miss the finish. Sure enough, right at the corner by the Finish Line my phone rang. It was my friend Jenny's phone and I knew she had done the relay. It was Mike, he was done. He finished a much harder, very hilly course, on a hot day almost a full half hour faster than our St. George Marathon. I'm so proud of him- and a little jealous. I was bummed not to see his actual finish. He didn't care. He was just happy to be done. I picked him up, he came home, showered, and left for church with us a half an hour later. Crazy! Yeah, my husband is awesome! As a side note both the Bishop's counselors were gone so he asked Mike to sit on the stand. He didn't look it but Mike said he was dying he was so hot and his leg was locking up:-). Maybe punishment for running on Sunday.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


At 5:57 PM , Blogger Ellynn said...

Way to go Mike! Did you finish so fast cuz you were running from lightning? Hehe

At 6:48 AM , Blogger Mindi said...

Wow! Congrats to Mike on two major events in one weekend and to you Brooke for running it all "behind the scenes".

At 9:08 AM , Blogger Jacki said...

Great going!!! Love you!


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