Thursday, June 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom! (Joan) update...

Even though she rarely/never gets on here....Happy Birthday Mom!

(We have a fun surprise for her, but I won't mention it yet. I'm too scared she'll check the blog for the second time in her life and it will be ruined. She has threatened all of us not to get her anything, but little does she know...ha!)

Well the boys are here and we have been as busy as ever! The rooms turned out fabulous and they each absolutely loved them. We did record their reactions and one of these days I will sit down with Joey and figure out how to put them on here. I'm sure it's not too hard, just time consuming. Keaton (age 8) has gotten so tall! He is almost up to my shoulders. Ike (age 5) doesn't have a baby face anymore. It's like he's a little man...but not so little. He is in the 95th percentile for height and weight. Pretty big little kid!

We've been going going and going. Lagoon has been great, we got season passes. Ike has been trying a lot of bigger rides and loving them. Keat is a little more cautious, kinda how I was when I was younger.

We've been swimming at "Miss Joan's" house a lot as well. On Saturday they were in the pool from 11:30 to 4:00. I didn't do the sunscreen thing. I figured they live in Texas, the sun can't really do much damage. Needless to say, they were both a little pink the next day, but nothing horrible.

Isaac's Birthday was in May. Since he was in Texas then, we had a Utah Birthday party for him here. He was a little confused at first. Saying things like:

"But it was just my birthday, are you sure it's been a year?"
"So am I turning six now?" (while holding up six fingers)

It was pretty funny. Joey and I got him a set of golf clubs in a little Nike bag, complete with tees, Sponge Bob Square Pants golf balls, golf shirt and a Nike hat. We went on a little outing a few nights ago. Keat and I had a lesson while Ike and Joey chipped around the putting greens, ect. He really enjoyed it! Hopefully it is something that will last a long time. It's been fun.

We are going to go camping this weekend. That is what Joey wants to do for Father's Day. It should be fun! I'll let you know how it goes.

My new work hours have been altered a little bit. 6:30am to 3:00pm. I LOVE getting to leave at 3, but the early arrival time is slowly killing me. When I woke up the other morning I was so tired, I felt like I was going to throw up. Meags, I totally know what you mean about the ponytail thing. What is worse than that is sleeping with it. I've woken up just ripping at my hair in the middle of the night a countless number of times. You think I'd learn....

Okay, enough for now. Hope everyone is doing well!



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