Sunday, August 19, 2007


Well it's Sunday afternoon and we are about to go over to my friend Jasmine's house for dinner. There are a few of us that have decided that we will get together every Sunday for dinner while the guys are gone. Not quite the Allen, Epperson, Lee, Ross, Bennett, Stinchfield group but how can you ever replicate that?

Actually it's kind of funny. Jasmine, probably one of my closest friends here, is an african american, non-mormon that grew up in Layton. It took me awhile to ask her what that was like but now we tease about it all the time. She grew up with lots of LDS friends and went to church and church activities with them quite a bit and so she is very familiar with just about anything I talk about. She has a son Jane's age and they are good friends, then she has a daughter Sadie's age and a daughter that's two. So our two families mesh pretty well- wives and children wise. Mike and her husband worked together for quite awhile and they get along well, they just don't really have too much in common. They are both guys that just want to hang out with their families when they're home.

Not much is happening here. We've gone to a couple of b-day parties this week, had one warm day where the girls voted to put the sprinkler under the tramp and play with their friends vs. go to the pool, we've run several errands that we had put off while Mike was home and that has been about it. This next week is pretty busy. Lots of back to school picnics and such, Jane's middle school orientation is tomorrow and I have a couple of dr. appts. One for a mole on my leg and one lengthy one where they monitor the baby's heartrate for about thirty minutes. I know you are all jealous.

I'm worried about Ellyn-when am I not? She is limping quite a bit. She had some bruising on her knee several weeks ago and while we were on our trip I didn't notice it- she was mostly in her backpack or stroller- but it is very noticeable now. The dr. kind of looked at it when she was in for her strep culture and referred her to an orthopedist but her orthopedist appt. isn't until Aug. 30th. Her P.T. looked at it and suggested ice for twenty minutes. Don't ask me how I'm supposed to do that. I think I am going to call her P.T. from school tomorrow and see if she will come look at her. She is way more familiar and more experienced than this young girl that is working with her now. Plus we don't have the language barrier.

Well that is another boring blog. Mindi, I am wearing a brown shirt and I ate Life cereal and a banana for breakfast, with a glass of grapefruit juice. That should do it. Love, me


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