Sunday, August 19, 2007


I'm impressed with your double fruit intake at breakfast this morning and I'm sure you looked smashing in your brown shirt. We've been out of milk and hot cereal for a while now, so I'm getting pretty creative with breakfasts until I can get to Costco. I made some whole wheat bran cinnamon apple muffins this morning to feed to my family and the YW class. Sierra just came out of the kitchen, told me to open my mouth and close my eyes, and put a marshmallow topped with Peanut Butter topped with chocolate chips in my mouth. When Adam got home from church he did all the dishes in the sink and made lunch (lunch being marshmallows topped with Peanut Butter topped with chocolate chips). And soon we will be going to Gram and Pop's house for something healthful and delectable for dinner and a homemade apple pie made from Pop's apple tree for dessert.
We had an open house yesterday, worked our little tails off to get the house ready, and only one guy walked through. We spent a lot of time last week painting our kitchen cabinets and putting nice knobs. This whole house selling thing is getting mighty frustrating. I read something the other day about how we just have to keep doing the best we can to move forward in life, even when things don't seem to be falling into place. Then in the Lord's time we will see His hand in the sequence of events. The key being to keep moving forward and doing our best. I'm off for a Sunday nap with a wiggly 3 year-old who just got a bag of noise-makers in nursery and won't give up that bag for anything. Sounds restful, doesn't it?


At 8:19 PM , Blogger Darla said...

Oh Mindi...we're praying for you. I wish I could come out there alone and we could just visit and talk for hours on end. Wouldn't that be bliss...? Well, selling your home would be bliss i guess. (:


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