Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Since i'm on day 2 of staying home sick i will write a better post. as i mentioned in the last blog, our heater is broken. it's been broken i think ever since we moved in last march but as you can imagine we really haven't needed it till this week when temperatures suddenly plumeted. jason came home from washington to a freezing cold house, turned around and spent the rest of the week at his parent's house. the repairman was supposed to be out on saturday but couldn't make it because of the snow. (i guess he didn't realize that that's why we needed his assistance) as he was on his way here monday morning, mom called and said she had worked out a deal with sucky sears, as i like to call them, and that they would be out the next day. i had elected not to go through them since they did not fix the problem last time. but if mom's deal works out it will be worth it. long story short we were the first on the list to get our heater fixed today but because mom had given them HER home phone number as a call back number and she was not there, we are now last on the list for today. i won't be at all suprised if we get bumped to tomorrow morning. but all is well, as long as i stay in my bedroom with my portable and try not to drink water so i don't have to go to the bathroom.
cole, i didn't intentionally skip your birthday just because you're 3. i mean 5. i was thinking of you all day and the many days and nights i spent with your parents durring darla's pregnancy and the early months of your life. you were the cutest little baby ever, once we cleaned the pounds of green goop off your eyes. i even called in sick to work to be at the hospital when you were born. your dad will tell you that that was no great sacrifice, that i called in sick all the time. don't believe him. he's a bad man. i love you very much cole, especially when you kick me in the ankles the second you see me. i know that this is your way of showing your deepest love and affection. Happy belated birthday.
Buttercup, i didn't intensionally miss yours either. i was thinking of you all day michael. i love that we are getting more of your posts on the blog. i love seeing the pictures and reading about what you are doing. you are my hero. not only because of what you are doing but because of the way you love and support your men and ask for our prayers not for yourself but for them. that's what makes you a good leader.
take care all.


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