Wednesday, January 16, 2008


court i love the announcement! you both look fantastic. you have to be one of the most beautiful girls alive. i'll get your number from chels and text my new address to you.
i have absolutely loved reading the memories of the provo house. it really has been wonderful. i've got a couple more memories to post.
geof. and chris foote studying in the living room and jess and i dressing up in different outfits, putting on a song to go with our look and dancing out into the living room. we have pictures of all our ansambles if anyone is interested.
the fire alarm used to go off everytime we got out of the shower and the steam got to it.
singing "i am 16" while geof. held my hand and i jumped from couch to couch.
the night that brett riggle called to ask me out and the phone kept cutting out.
living in the house with cassie.... thats as far as i wanna go into that
"whatever you guys have in the sink smells like duke"
working in the yard
pulling out matresses out into the living room "the lesbian bed" and blake and markum called it
tetris eyes
painting over adam's yellow and blue bathroom. thats right adam, it was me!
one night when darla was out visiting geof. they came home late. jess and i had just gotten home around 2. we were still brushing our teeth when we hear someone coming in through the back window that we kept unlocked. i was in the hall and jess was in the bathroom. she turns to me with eyes as big as tennis balls, points into geof.'s room, closes and locks the only door with a lock on it leaving me to face whatever was coming in the window alone. luckily it was just geof. and darla being spontaneous and fun. i've still never forgiven either of them.
the halloween party.
camping at deer creek with the mission boys
murdock and dearduff (a.k.a. maximus)
living here in my college days and thinking how fun it would be to live here with my husband
living the dream and moving here with jason.
it will be weird when they remodel this place. they are planning a 17 to 20 foot addition onto the back of the house and a basement. i'm just glad it's going to someone who will take care of it and has the money to fix it the way i've always wanted to.


At 7:21 PM , Blogger Darla said...

Oh Ellynn!! Geof. and I were never up past midnight before we were married, silly.


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