Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The low down on the little nugget...

Where to begin…

I guess I should start by saying I'm sorry the Washingtonians (is that how you say it) were the last to find out.  I really had been meaning to blog about it and I just couldn't find the energy.  We told all the aunts and cousins at the "Sisters Christmas Party."  Indie was wearing her big sister shirt.  So anywho here is the scoop... 

On November 19th I realized I was “late” and grabbed my calendar and started doing some calculations...about a week late to be correct so I basically knew right then.  I took a pregnancy test and sure enough it was positive.  Only Indie and I were home at the time so I cried out to her, “You’re going to be a big sister!”  I wanted to do something cute to tell Tony but I was too excited and just wrapped up the pregnancy test.  He was so cute when he opened it.


We had been debating when to have another baby since early spring.  We couldn’t decide whether to wait until we knew if Tony got in to PA school or not.  Plus we were still kind of waiting for the genetic test results.  So we weren’t really trying but we weren’t being too careful either.  But in early November I said, “Okay let’s go to Seattle but let’s not have another baby for about a year.”  And the next week we found out we were pregnant.  The Lord took it into his own hands and we are definitely okay with that.  We are really excited about the baby but now I am really scared about possibly moving to Seattle.


I am due July 23rd so I am 14 weeks along and already this pregnancy has been completely different.  I guess it is karma because last time I wasn’t sick and the whole thing was a breeze.  I kept saying “I love being pregnant” and “Pregnancy is so easy for me”.  This time...not so much.  Since about 4 days after finding out I have been extremely nauseous.  And I don’t know who the joker is that coined it “morning sickness” because I actually feel the best in the morning and I spend the rest of the day sick.  Thank goodness for a little pill called promethazine.


Besides the “all day sickness” I have been ex.haus.ted.  To say I have been ridiculously tired would be a huge understatement.  I told Tony if it weren’t for Indie waking me up in the morning I would probably sleep all day.  I don’t remember being this tired last time.  I mean seriously I am always tired.  Right now I don’t get a single thing done because normally when I would put Indie down for a nap or for bed I would be productive but these days I just end up taking a nap with her and going to bed early…hence the death of the blog. 


I have been sick twice already, once with the flu and once with a cold and literally I could not get out of bed.  Normally I can somewhat function while being sick, but not this time.  Luckily Tony has really stepped in and taken care of all of us.  He said it was the sickest he had ever seen me.  So while I laid in bed for probably 3 days straight, he ran the house.   

Well that's about it.  I will keep the updates rollin' and I will try to get back to blogging too.


At 11:16 PM , Blogger Brind+Julia said...

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At 11:19 PM , Blogger Brind+Julia said...

Jess, congratulations! Isn't it nice when the Lord makes up your mind for you? :) I'm due on the 16th, so I can't wait for our little ones to be best buddies!

At 10:54 AM , Blogger Ellynn said...

i totally know how you feel Jessy. Mercifully i didn't have a baby to look after while i was sick. i always felt best in the morning too. if i wasn't in bed by 9 pm, i was miserable! thank you for blogging. i'm so excited for you guys!

At 10:15 PM , Blogger Brooke said...

Jess, I'm sorry you are so tired. Oh the memories your blog brought back. Love the babies, hate the pregnancies. Everything is in the Lord's time. Our family is a testament to that. What would I do without Jane so much older? How in the world did I get pregnant with Sawyer after two months when we tried for 4 years? The night before I found out I was pregnant with Sawyer I was watching an autism video and Mike came down to find me bawling my eyes out. I told him I just couldn't do another child and he was completely supportive of my decision. The next day I started counting the days and found that the Lord thought I could. What would we do without our little Soy Bean? I am so excited for you all. This "little nugget" will be such a blessing. I hope you feel better soon.


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