Sunday, April 05, 2009

Colorado Bennett

Adam and I were able to go on a real date on Friday night. Gram and Pop had given him a Bone Fish/Outback Steakhouse gift certificate for his birthday and promised to watch the kids so we could go out. We went to Outback thinking we could eat cheaply and use our gift certificate more than once, but we were wrong about that. It all added up quick and we ordered enough desserts for 5 people. As we watched parents in the waiting area wrestle their kids, we thought "Let's never take our kids out to eat, this is so peaceful without them." One teenager was complaining that he didn't want to be there, a 3 and 4 year-old were purposely trying to drive one another crazy, and when I went in the restroom there was a mom in there cleaning up her kid who had just puked. I like eating out to be a rare occasion, and eating out with kids to be even rarer.
Then we picked up the kids, fed them our left-over desserts, put them in bed like happy little piggies, and watched Twilight. I haven't read the books yet, just waiting for a time when I can neglect all else in my life and read night and day. The scenery in the movie was sure beautiful, you can't beat WA for that. The plot and romantic notions really stuck in my head. I've decided what makes Edward so alluring is his passion for protecting Bella. That is pretty high on my list of heart-stopping romantic notions.
Right now I'm completely absorbed in enjoying Conference weekend. We got to watch most of both sessions yesterday (until my family showed up to visit) then Adam went to Priesthood and I took the kids swimming. My favorite quote was "If you think righteousness should prevent all suffering you should have a chat with Job." I just pulled rolls out of the oven and now we'll have some made-to-order sandwiches (pb&j for Kaia, ham & cheese for Sierra, a combo of everything in separate portions for Tristan, etc.)


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