Sunday, May 10, 2009


Joani text the other day to remind me it had been 19 years since Mom had died.  I was thinking about her this week and how many ways she has blessed my life. I  remember calling her one day and I was bawling.

Brooke was about 10 months old and as I sat rocking her I realized that she was the same age Kurt was when he died.  He was born with a hole in his heart. They used to call them blue babies because they had trouble getting enough oxygen.  Mom was so careful with him.  She told me how she would carry him around on a pillow and would rock him for hours in the little rocking chair that Aunt Sally had given her.  I still have the rocking chair upstairs in the bedroom. 

As I looked down at my own sweet little baby I thought how much it must have hurt her to lose her little baby. I was crying so hard I know I scared her because she thought something was wrong. I asked her how she did it? All she said was, "You do what you have to. What else could I do?"  SHE COULD HAVE COMPLAINED RIGHT AND LEFT. I WOULD HAVE! She was right of course, but I was still impressed with how she handled that and each situation she was given in her life. She did not have an easy life. Every year I understand a little more and appreciate her more and more.

When I woke up this morning and said my prayers I was impressed with all the amazing women in my life; my mom, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, friends, leaders, Ellery's mom, sister-in-laws, my children's mother-in-laws and sisters-in-laws, young women I have taught over the years, amazing nieces, beautiful talented daughters and daughters-in-law, and my wonderful sisters.  We are still quite the matriarchy! (I mean that in the nicest way possible. We do appreciate the men in our lives.) You have all blessed my life in countless ways by your example, strength and goodness!

"You do what you have to." Has become my mantra, but I have all these great examples to help me do it. HAVE A HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!! LOVE YOU,

Le Anne


At 8:11 AM , Blogger Joan said...

Thanks for telling us about Mom. She was amazing. I need to work a little harder to follow her example. Also thank you for your periods and capital letters (tee hee). Loved the post!

At 7:20 PM , Blogger Meags said...

wow mom i just got a chance to read your blog. it was beautiful. i wish i had known g'ma better, but i think in being close to you and the sisters we get to see a glimpse of what a great lady she was. i love you mama

At 11:37 AM , Blogger Jessica said...

What a great post LeAnne. I love that story and that saying. I was just thinking the other day about how sometimes life is so hectic and crazy and half the time Tony isn't even there to help me because he is so busy too. But "you do what you have to" couldn't be more true. I will definitly be remembering that in the coming months as I have this baby, Tony is in school, and Indie is still needing my non-stop attention!


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