Playroom Dwellers
So i'm a terrible blogger but this story i am about to tell you is too good not to blog about.
I have decided to run a half marathon in September. Meagan and i have put together a training calendar and i am PUMPED! i've been running pretty consistently for the past month now and have finally worked up to 4 miles! so i have 9 more to go but i have 4 months to train and feel confident that i can do so. K that part didn't have much to do with my story but i thought i'd tell you anyway. Thursday Jason and i were running at Lewisville park together. For those of you who have visited my blessed park you know how wonderful it is to run there. the best part is the hills. We were just about to the end of our run, we had maybe a quarter mile to go and we're just about done with the hills. i start speeding up because i've been feeling great and running a bit faster than normal so i want to finish strong. i'm going down the second to last hill and there are 3 women walking up it. just as i look up to say hello, i step on a rock and roll my ankle so bloody hard! i didn't even get the "hell" out before i was on the ground on my ands and knees in a lot of freaking pain. so as they walked past asking if i was okay i meerly whimpered "i'm fine, i'm fine" to their shoes. Luckily Jason was with me or i think i would still be on the ground this moment. he helped me up and even left Finny with me in the jogger to run ahead and pull the car up to the bottom of the hills. For those of you who don't know, i really don't handle pain very well at all. as mom says i will not die in my sleep leaving people to wonder if i was even sick. So now my left ankle looks like i'm pregnant again only this time it's all purple and green. it's awesome! not so much. here are some pictures for your enjoyment.
my biggest regret is that i didn't somehow catch the whole thing on tape. i can only imagine how hilarious it must have looked. i wish i had been watching it instead of being the one who fell.
I guess while i'm on here i should give you a quick Finn update. He is the cutest thing EVER. i love the stage he is at right now. he smiles all the time, he giggles, and he even can entertain himself for limited amounts of time. he does not however sleep through the night in any manner. on a good night he'll only be up twice. oh well. who needs sleep when you have such a cute baby right? He is 5 months today and is so close to crawling it scares me. he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. he can also scoot around really well. he has been rolling from his stomach to his back since he was 3 weeks old but he is now finally figuring out how to roll from his back to his stomach. he is unbelievably strong. and like his daddy, loves electronics and t.v. his favorite thing is cars. he watches that to fall asleep sometimes. he is such a little man! oh and he also LOVES being outside, that's what makes him like me. ;)
Oh my gosh Elly. Your ankle looks horrible but at least your toes look adorable. What a sad story but I secretly wish I had seen you do it. JK
Finn looks like a mini Jason. He is so cute.
Oh!! Little Finners..we'll miss you(and your mama too!). Such a funny story, Ellynn!! Wish i was there to watch you fall.. (;
Ellynn, there will be instant replay in heaven. We'll all have to get together with popcorn when your fall comes on the big screen. Wow, Finn is cute. Thanks for the update, I'm sorry you don't get to sleep all night long. I'm soon to enter the world of sleep deprivation. Yiipppeeee.
Ellynn, Sorry about your ankle.So does that put you out of the race? Ashley was training for a 1/2 marathon but 1 week before she got the stomach flu and she was pretty sick. She still insisted that she was going to run it. But 1 day before she got a chance to go to Lake Powell. Well there went $65 down the drain. Oh well. Finn is so cute. Love, Aunt Joan
That's funny about Ashley. No that won't put me out of the race. it's still pretty sore but i should be running again by this weekend.
Its a good thing that your toes were so perfectly painted when you rolled your ankle! How lucky is that?! ;) As you know... I love the purple!
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