Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's Day

Whoosh! It's over! Can you feel the universe shifting back into the natural order of things? You have to love Mother's Day! Everyone trying to serve Mom and Mom patiently trying to be served! Our ward finally got the joke and gave us candy bars instead of plants. (I've always had candy bar envy on Father's Day.) It was great!
I got spoiled! Ellery tried to do all the honey dos he could possibly fit into a Saturday. We got all the pots planted and worked in the yard. My idea of a good day!
Thank you so much for the beautiful Quilt Book! Mindi, thank you for all your hard work! I loved it! My goal in life is to fill the pages with all the quilts and the pictures of the cute little kids they are for! I do love it!

Meags and I convinced Cory and Ellery that what we really wanted for our Mother's Day dinner was---for Meagan's part, cold cereal. She bought 2 different kinds of Crapton Crunch, peanut butter and regular. We supplied the Chocolate Cheerios and milk. I chose the large sushi platter from Costco. If only I could load pictures onto this computer---It was great! I didn't care for the Chocolate Cheerios with the sushi but Meags did like the Crapton Crunch/sushi combo.

Having eliminated most of the fuss and bother of a big dinner we could then concentrate on a nap for Meags followed by games and I got to show Jack that you truly can tie a bowline with one hand and how to tie a double tautline so they could climb up the rope onto the deck, which is another whole story! They all lived!

I had a wonderful Day! I got to talk to each of my children before we turned over our phones to the missionaries so they could call their moms. That is why I missed your call Mike. Sorry but I did get your "Happy Birthday" message and I appreciate you wishing me yet another great year! What were you drinking for Sunday dinner?

The greatest tribute I have as a mom is the lives of each of our children. They are so good and wise--They all had the good sense to marry well. God is so grateful that He has their homes where the gospel is lived and taught to send His precious spirits. Our grandchildren truly are those precious spirits. Yesterday I got to watch Jack pass the sacrament in his new suit for the 1st time--awesome! He was so cute! Oh wait, I mean handsome! I wish we could have you all close. The time goes so quickly....

I remember my mom sitting down next to me long enough for the iron to heat up. It was never long enough! I loved when she would sometimes go for walks with us at the end of the day. We thought it was weird because she would eat the wild aspargras that grew along the roadside. One time she noticed an ant on the end of the stalk she had just bitten. She just laughed and said she wondered how many ants she had eaten. She also asked us which color we thought God loved best--blue or green? I still miss my Mom!

It was so fun to see most of you last Sunday. Sorry we missed you Lindsey by only a day. You are all such a cute group. Love you, Mom/Aunt Le Anne


At 12:25 PM , Blogger Darla said...

What a riot you two are (you and Meags)! Cold cereal?! I bet the guys were in heaven. (;


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