Monday, April 11, 2005

Jess and Tony

Hey everyone,
Brooke, what a brilliant idea! Thanks for doing this.
I only have a few minutes so I will quickly get you all updated. Right now I am at the school working on a huge presentation I have to give on Friday. So after Friday I can start eating and sleeping correctly and maybe I won't have to go to the bathroom every five minutes (can you tell I am nervous?) Hopefully it will go well. Good news is I am going to graduate in about 25 days. YEAH!!! I will walk on May 6th and then take a few more classes and do an internship in the summer and be done, finally. Tony however is just getting started, in fact, we are waiting to hear some very important news today. He applied to get into the 2 year Radiology program at Weber and out of 260 people they interview 100 and out of those 100 they only take 50. He made the first cut and had an interview last week and did awesome. They sent letters out on Friday so hopefully today at about 4:00 we should get the mail and find out if he got in. Everyone say a little prayer or it won't be until November 2008 that Chloe and baby Hatch will have any cousins if you know what I mean. I am still working at Alpine Dental with Auntie Joan Joan and Tony is still working at St. Mark's hospital with Lydia and his mom. Well that is about it. School and work for both of us and we try to have as much fun inbetween as possible to stay sane. Sorry I gotta run, I will write more later. Love you all. Love Jess


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