Saturday, December 17, 2005

where are you santa

Adam you are wrong I have not been fighting the crowds at the mall or any place for that matter.  I have an even easier way to avoid the unpleasantries of the holiday rush.  Don’t buy anyone anything.  It is working out very well for me.  I mean I don’t like anyone as much as myself, so why would I spend money on them that I could be spending on me.  And my kids well, I’m going to let santa handle that, I just hope he doesn’t forget us again this year.  He must not have gotten our change of address when we moved out of mom and dad’s.  

Ok I really should get back to writing my talk.  Why do they make those in the bishopbrick so likable.  It would be a lot easier if they were jerks, then I could just tell them to fly off.  Instead I sang last week and will be speaking this week.  Good thing mom went shopping today so I would have something totally hot to wear tomorrow.  Cory wrote the funniest letter to elly and brind.  I’m going to try to get him to put it on the blog, but you know how shy he is.  

Well I must go finish my talk before hazey baby wakes up.  Oh and I can’t run until it’s done so I am really mean.  The perfect spirit for writing a talk, ay.  

                                                    Bloggy Christmas…me


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