Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ellynn's Blog

what's up kids? so i've been rebuked a lot the last few days for my lack of participation on the blog. i'd like to take this moment to apologize publicly. it's been a whirlwind since i've been home. i can't really tell you what has taken place in that whirlwind because it's been a dark and very loud one but it's been a lot of fun. basically my time has been filled with going to the gym, institute, playing with the kids, going to the temple, cleaning my room, hanging out with my friends, and trying to find a job. okay so i haven't been working too hard on that last one. it's an ugly limbo period between a mission and waiting for brind to come home. but that time is soon to come to an end and that's when my life really begins. i spoke in church last sunday. it was so fun. it was my first big kid talk (meaning over 10 min). i was a little nervous that i wouldn't have enough to talk about for 15-20 minutes so i was way over prepared and had to cut it short. i think it went rather well. i had them laughing, crying, and left them wanting more. so i decided to endulge them and mom and the girls and i sang. brooke and i screwed up the words. and when i say "we" i mean brooke. all in all it was a success. oh i forgot to mention that i've also filled my time with going to the dentist. i've been there at least 3 times since i've been home and i'll tell you why. i have a dead tooth. thats right, my front tooth has died. i have no idea how. it just happened. so i got a root canal. that was a an additional trip to the endodontist. the good thing is is that they didn't cap my tooth so you can't even tell that my smile is hollow. last night i got to be a chaperone for the youth temple trip. the only thing that is worse than a 13 year old is 5 13 year olds in the back of a van talking in highpitched squeels and singing teeny bopper songs in their own seperate keys. i couldn't pass up the chance to go to the temple though. i love it. well i should probably blog off. i take off for the beach for 2 days tomorrow, i'm teaching relief society on sunday and i leave for the philippines on monday. i swear when i get home i'm going to get into a real schedule and stop depriving myself of sleep. in the meantime i will continue to be crazy and not keep in touch with anyone. i suck. but i'll work on it.


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