Friday, May 19, 2006

Murphy at his finest

so you guys all remember murphy and his beautiful law stating basically that anything that can go wrong, will. such is my life the last 24 hours. okay not completely, i had a couple lucky breaks. yesterday in the drivethru at the bank i had to ask for a pen. one is sent to me and immediately upon opening the little spaceshuttle it comes in, it falls between my center consol and the seat. when i reach for it, it disappears into nomansland under the seat never to return. i search my car despirately for the next minute looking for another pen. i spot one between the center consol and the the passanger seat. same thing happens to that pen. too frustrated to find another solution i spend the next 5 minutes digging for the pen which i can touch but not grasp. not kidding i started sweating. finally i had to give up and ask for another pen. next item. i get to work and my name tag is finally in. i am now ellynn burnst! leaving work last night i forget to turn my lights on. luckily a nice man yelled out his window to tell me. at the next stop light i put my car in park to switch shoes, i put my car in gear and when the light goes green, begin reversing. no one was behind me. and last but not least, this morning i drove to work and was so proud of myself that for the first time all week i wasn't going to have to speed like the devil with an expired drivers license and run into work so i'm not late. as i approach the building i start looking for the keys to my kiosk. not there. i had this feeling on my way to work "check for your keys". of course i dismissed it quickly thinking "they're there. i'm taking the same purse i took yesterday and my ellynn burnst name tag is in there." i guess next time i won't brush off the holy ghost quite to quickly. okay that's enough. i won't bore you with other small details like getting lost on the way to my boss' to pick up his keys, or smashing my finger in the cupboard while i was getting a phone for a customer or having an employee at another store telling me that he was sending one of his customers over for a samsung 950 which he didn't have in stock and then as i'm activating the phone have the customer tell me that it's the wrong phone, that he wants the LG vx9800 so everything i've put in the computer is wrong. but things are bound to get better right?! we'll see. okay blog you later.


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