Wednesday, October 04, 2006


congrats on the girl Jess and Tony!! Isn't it exciting to know what's REALLy in there? I bet you're having so much fun. Brooke, I just wanted to make a short comment on the whole homework thing with Jane. That makes me CRAZY that kids are in school for 6 hrs. a day and they can't seem to get all the work done that they need to (I'm talking elementary age here). My sister says her girls have loads and loads of homework and when she homeschooled them (each for about a year), they did school each day for about 2 1/2 hrs. And when they started up again at school they were WAY far ahead of the kids in their grade. Not that I'm an advocate of homeschool, but it DEFINATELY has its benefits. I don't remember homework in elem. school! Am I crazy here?! Well we just got home from mutual. GEof. just left for his ultimate frisbee game and I'm doing a speech for my online speaking class for my 4 neighbors. WE'll see how it goes. I have to do 3 speeches during this class and this is only my first. My audience has to be at least 5 people, which is weird because small groups actually make me more nervous. Oh well. The kids are Adorable. Cole's primary teachers stopped by our house the other day. THey assured us that they think Cole's adorable (a relief to me) and that he's so funny. The guy went on to say that he thinks Cole will be rich one day 'cuz he knows how to make a deal. To illustrate this, he goes on to say that at church on Sunday, Cole asked to go to the bathroom, which he does at least 2-3 times during primary. so his teacher gave in and took him. While leaving Cole attempted yet again to run away. When his teacher fetched him to bring him back Cole stops and says, "okay, let's do this. You go back to Primary, and I'll stay here." He said it was hilarious. 3 yr.olds are soo funny. They think they really have you. And sometimes they just do. Dayne's a complete mama's girl and goes to no one except me (well, and cute boys). Just ask Ellynn. Everytime she comes over Dayne cries when she tries to pick her up. Speaking of Ellynn, she and another girl cut and died my hair today and did a FABuLoSO job. I'll be honest, i was a little nervous since I haven't had the best experiences at hair schools. They did great though . I urged Ellynn to write on the blog soon and tell us what's up with her cute beau! Alright. I gotta go. I just realized I might want to pick up the front room before my audience arrives! luv Darla p.s. hope you're all enjoying LOST tonight!


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