Sunday, April 29, 2007


Jess and Tony, those are beautiful pictures. Indie looks just like Tony to me, except you know, pretty and like a girl. She's so chubby and perfect. Jess, you look fabulous. I think a photographer would have to pay me to have my picture taken that soon after birth, like thousand or millions.

Moni, I can just see Harley being absolutely great and really loving her theatre work. She is such a cutie and has such great self-confidence. I'm sorry to hear about all of your dental work. That is something that I can be very grateful for, so far we don't have any cavities, but it is all genes. It has nothing to do with my careful regime which involves plenty of sugar and not always brushing at bedtime if I'm tired and grumpy or we're late home from something. Monica, I also think you would be an absolutely great young women's president. It sounds like you have a fun group.

Everything is going well here. It has been really warm and yesterday all of the kids in the neighborhood started a huge waterfight. The girls paused for a few minutes to drive with their dad to the PX to pick up a couple of super soakers. So my three kids went into the PX while Ellyn and I sat in the car listening to a little U2 and enjoying the breeze. Mike, of course, got himself the deluxe version with a compartment for icecubes so the water is freezing when it hits you. So for a while he joined in the fight with two of Jane's boy friends from school. My house was full of bits of grass and little puddles of water and Mike soaked one of my only two pair of capris that fit me right now, but they all had a blast and it was a relaxing, fun, get nothing done kind of Saturday. I'm okay with that right now because I know the next few weeks are going to be insanely busy with the move and the change of command and right now we are a bit too far away from it to do anything but stress about it.

For Mike's change of command we have to put on a simple reception for 200 people. I'm a bit stressed. When he did his command at basic it was only for 50 and I thought that was bad. I did a whole brunch that time but this time we are going to do nachos and then the traditional cake. Oh how I miss Costco in a situation like this. The last two command changes have had 6 ft. sub sandwhiches catered by the commissary but Mike wants something different and I tend to agree. However, it means extra work. I'm going to do cheese sauce and dad's enchillada sauce, and a few crock pots of shredded beef - have I told you about South of the Border Pot Roast? So good and so easy, and then a couple of trays of diced tomatoes and olives and jalepenos and whatever else I can think of. I'll order the cake and then just do several liters of soda. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to send them my way.

Meagan, you will be very proud of me. My Dr. told me at my appt. that my blood was full of nutrients and that she didn't see many Americans that had nutrient full blood like mine- that is kind of the way it was said. I told her that eating was one of my strong points but it made me happy that our diet is healthy enough to warrant a positive comment from my doctor. I'm always worried that we aren't eating well.

I'm not fitting into any of the maternity clothes yet. I'm still in between and now with all the more fitted styles it is really tricky. I'm wearing all of my down east shirts and a few skirts and a couple capris. I'm hoping I stay thinner this pregnancy, I know it's just a dream, but it really would be great.

Well Ellyn is asleep now so I can go do dishes. She was a bit crazy tonight. I love you all. Mindi and Adam, I haven't heard from you forever. Love, Brooke


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