Monday, April 23, 2007


just a quick snippet.  I should have been in bed hours ago, but i slept in instead of going to the gym and then tried to go visiting teaching the other time i could have gone to the gym (but the lady must have forgotten and was not home), so i had to go tonight.  yuck, now i'm all sweaty and all i want to do is crawl into bed.  not that it matters that i am sweaty, last night i woke up and my legs were actually dripping with sweat in my bed.  no lie.  i am that gross and hot when i sleep. 

my life is full of funny little moments brought to me by my crazy little children that are so funny that i just can't wait to get on here and share, but the second i do my mind goes b l a n k.  one i wont soon forget... i had to take sweet benn to the dentist again this week with an abscessed tooth.  she was so good and did exactly what they asked, but as soon as they brought out the little swab with gel on it she went berserk!  they gave her like 5 shots then pulled the sucker out.  the roots on it were 1/4 of an inch long.   the poor little angle cried for over 2 1/2 hours after she was done.  then two nights later a blood clot must have come loose, because she was laying in a 3 inch pool of blood.  nice picture i know.  (i hope you don't read this while you eat lunch like i do).  evidently an old filling had rotted causing an infection.  i can not stress enough how important a GOOD dentist is.  now in the course of this blogs history i have tried to teach you two things...1. find a good dentist and 2.  clean out under your refrigerator.  i think the only way benn with ever get over her hatred for the dentist is to become one herself. 

i talked to brooke today which has made my week and she has assured me that she really does want us to come next summer.  i told benn that we were going to go see brookie and she asked if it took a lot of pennies to buy a plane ticket.  when i told her it did she said she had to go inside and take all of her "monies" out of her wallet and put them into her piggy bank.  i told her that she could do it later because we were outside.  but she insisted, because she didn't want to forget.  i think i am going to try to get some kind of job so i can save my pennies too.  do you think some one would pay me to tell them what to wear.  that would be fun job. 

ok i do have more than one child, but that is all i can think of for now.  except that jackson's baptism is on MAY 5th if anyone wants to come.  our door is always open.  we're hoping that cory's family will make the 10 minute drive, but it is a saturday, so we wont get our hopes up.  (that was kind of mean and i have guilt, but not a ton, because it is also true.)

love to my fellow bloggers.............meags   


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