Friday, June 01, 2007


oh my word i love all the pictures.  i would have liked to post a million more of our trip, but there just wasn't room.  beck is such a beautiful boy.  adam and mindi your trip looked like so much fun.  i miss my cousins and aunties!!  i can not get over how high ton can get clo in the air, holy smokes she must be a brave girl.  and she looks like she is seven.  i mean she has got to be 18 inches taller than c-bear and she like 9 months younger.  cory says she is going to be every basket ball coaches dream.  i personally think volley ball would be more fun.  darla does your heart just skip a beat when you see geof. get off the plane in that uniform?  what girls wouldn't?  your camping pictures look like fun too even though you said you left early, because it wasn't. 

we are going to the john mayor concert tonight, thanks to brind and julia in more ways than one.  i love them so much!  my kids can't wait for us to leave so that b and j can come take care of them.  tomorrow bennett and i are going to run a 5k.  she is so excited.  i was reading in my runners world this morning that you shouldn't have a kid run/walk a 5k until they are like 8 or 9.  so i was getting a worried that i was being some kind of crazy over zealous mom making my kid do something that will hurt them, but mom reassured me that bennett was different.  i thought she was but it was nice to hear it from someone else.  she ran/walked for 45 mins last night then came home and ran up and down our street 4 times.  that was after she was saying that she was so tired that she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to do the race.  i don't think she knows what being tired is.  oh how i wish i had her energy.  it was a fun night.  jackson rode his new bike, and did great even on busy roads, cor, benn and i ran and haz and wil went in the stroller, with wil jumping out every now and then to run too.   once we got home hazel ran down the street too with her short skirt, knee high socks and running shoes that has to wear just like sissy. 

wow it's lunch time, but it is the first day of the month and i haven't gone grocery shopping yet so there is literally nothing to eat.  the kids are having a white trash special....canned corn, baked beans and hotdogs all mixed together with v8 to drink as the veggie.  nice i know, but it's food and there has to be a little nutrition, maybe. 

love to all oh and jesse i saw the baby announcement at mom's and it is super cute!    



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