Thursday, June 14, 2007


Hello Everyone!!! How I have missed the blog. I knew the minute I gave everyone a hard time about not blogging, I wouldn't get a chance to blog. So I guess I was asking for it. Life has been so incredibly busy i truly haven't had a second, and I have been so sad because I knew I was missing out when I couldn't find a moment to read the blog. I am all caught up now though. And I miss you all even more. I don't know why, but I always get such a sense of nostalgia when I read everyones blogs. Maybe it is because i can picture you all perfectly in mind. And I wish there were more days in the year when we could all be together. But at the same time I think distance can be such a blessing because it really can make us appreciate the small time that we do have together when we finally do see each other. It seems crazy, but i think it almost brings us closer together. When Cameron's sister moved to Las Vegas I remember telling her before she left that I would probably see more of her with her living 700 miles away then I would with her living 5. Only because when we live close we have a harder time taking advantage of one another's company. But when we live apart... when we do see each other, we are bound together night and day because one of us is having to stay at the others home. Make sense? I am trying to change this by making more of a point to see Jackie and Joan's families more often. Instead of the 2 hours her in there on special occasions, or when our out of state families:).... come and visit. It is truly pathetic that we don't see each other more often. Ok I am obviously tired because I am sure hardly any of this is making sense and I am deep into my babbling mode. So sooo sorry. I am done.

Anyhow, Yeahhh!!! We are going to make it to WA. Finally we are so excited. Cameron called me as soon as he posted the blog. It truly was the best news I have had in ages. Also, yes Meags we will be there for the 4th. I am thinking we will leave just after work on the 3rd. Elly you are welcome to come, but wow a 95% it is ALMOST worth the sacrifice. I am proud of you girl. Meagan 20 miles??? No wonder you were having a bad day with your tight pony tail and all...WOW. Although I really am proud to have such a buff cousin:). K, and I am a dork I know, but Darla I had no idea you were due so soon. What is your due date? I hope you are feeling a bit better after that terrible night. Brooke, I don't blame you for venting i would do the same. I am so sorry about your goofy neighbors. Kids can be so mean. Tell Jane I will back her up any day. Le Anne, I love having you here it is always such a treat. I love to spend time with you. What an amazing women I look up to you so much. You really have dedicated yourself to a life of service. Thank you so much for your example. Mindi your babes are so sweet. We were so sad when we found out we missed you guys last time you were here. Please always know there are bedrooms with beds, and clean sheets always open at the Crabb home, for the weary traveler. Chels, we have Lagoon passes also. We definitely need to get together sometime and take advantage of our passes together. It sounds like you are having the time of your life with those boys. You really will make a great Mom. It seems crazy, but i can't believe it is just around the corner. Shelli and Brian were awesome. I would have been so overwhelmed, our family definitely knows how to have a good time. And they definitely let us take them everywhere. I kept thinking they would need to take another vacation after they left us. But truly it was so fun they really are such a great family.

Well there really is much to say, but it is now after midnight, and I am barely awake. As I am sure you can tell. Hopefully I can get back soon.
Love You All!

P.S. Happy Birthday Joan and Ellery.


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