Thursday, September 27, 2007


Hi family. I really have been trying to get on here. The other day I got two sentences written the entire day. My lap top is not working so I have to come down to the basement to the computer and by the end of the night I am so tired I just crash and burn- for about two hours until I have to get up and waddle to the bathroom and grab a pillow from the sofa to prop my body up so I am not totally strangled by the stomach acid gurgling in the back of my throat.

Thank you for all of your blogs and pics of the wedding. I just did my best to try to pretend it didn't exist. If one more person mentions their swim across Battleground Lake I will arrange for some sort of unpleasant experience to find you (I have connections, my husband is an Army Ranger, always walking that fine line between legal and deadly). Oh, I'm sure when he reads that he's just going to be disgusted.

Jess, that is awesome about Indie, miracles can happen and it is not unreasonable to believe they can happen for her. She is such a darling little pudge. I can totally relate to your video cam story, I did fine in Korea except when we got on video cam with the kids. I think bawling runs in the family.

Things are going pretty well here. Just always busy, which is good I guess. I finally feel like I can be a happy person again. Just don't ask me how I feel from Jan- March. Mike is doing well, staying incredibly busy and doing lots of dangerous stuff that he can't talk about but that makes me worry all the time.

I am so ready to have this baby I could die. I HATE being pregnant. Plus I have this two inch row of stitches on the side of my leg that makes it nearly impossible for me to bend and my back and hips are killing me. But besides that, as I mentioned before, I'm pretty happy. I thought that tonight I would copy a part of the e-mail I sent Mike today. I know, I did this before but it is way easier than writing it twice. Besides, when I only write once a month or so I tend to leave out the day to day and this can give you a little glimpse. So here goes-

First of all, this morning when Jane woke up she described to me what could only be a UTI so I told her if she could, to go to school and I would make a Dr. appt. Then, as she is getting on the bus, Sadie reminds me that I promised to come to lunch this week and could I come today? Since tomorrow is my baby shower- today was the day.

So it is a beautifully gray, wet day where I planned to stay in and do laundry and play with Ellyn and work on the computer and I spent the entire day out and about. Ellyn and I ate lunch with Sadie and then came home so I could clean out the Pilot and load the car seats into the BMW . It wasn't raining at this point and Ellyn is playing in the driveway. Edie from across the street comes over to chat about the new PX and she picks up the Honda keys for me that I had purposely dropped down by the tire. I'm really trying to hurry because I have to get Ellyn back to pre-school and drive clear out to Graf to get Jane for her appt. So I load everything over, brush out the car and go to lock it and I can't find the keys anywhere. I search through both cars, through the garbage, backpacks etc... Finally, I take the Navi out and leave the car unlocked and take Ellie to school. I drop her off and head out to Graf where they have a HUGE line of cars coming back from lunch and this stupid Charging Boar military operation that was supposed to be over and done with is still g+oing on and they are searching just about every other car. I finally get on post and pick up Jane and instead of having an extra 20 minutes we are 20 minutes late for the appt. but they agree to fit us in. However, by the time she does her sample and vitals and all of that it is almost time to pick up Ellyn. I ask if Jane can stay and wait for the Dr. while I get Ellie and the nurse says that we can both go and she will just sign us in to the Dr. when we get back. So we go and get Sadie and Ellyn because I know we won't make it back before the bus. Go back to the clinic- without a stroller or books or anything because it is all in the Pilot, and wait for the Dr. For some reason Sadie is totally crazy. She is all over everything and no amount of threatening or bribing is working. Ellyn keeps wanting to get down and rub her hands on the floor, I'm totally sweating. The Dr. comes in, she is very nice, talks to Jane, gets called away for a few minutes, finally comes back and figures out the dosage for Jane's RX. I'm sure she thought I was totally insane. We go out the door and Dr. Lukezic is in her office with the door open and asks about my leg because the dermatologist knew she would be seeing Sawyer and wanted to give her the heads up??? Then I tell her about Ellyn's lab results with Dr. Fiedler and we leave. I get Ellyn in her carseat and I'm loading Sadie in and Jane asks me "Mom, are we going to pick up my medicine?" Yeah, completely forgot. Load them all back in, get the medicine, say hello to Jen Read who no doubt saw us leave and come back in and thinks I'm a lunatic and then finally left for good. When we get home I look through the whole Pilot once again and there are no keys. I go back over to the garbage can, look through the top pile of trash, look through the bag I had filled with garbage from the car, look into the animal cracker bag that is in the trash bag and there are my keys.

So that was my day, followed by dinner, homework (which Jane had about 3 hours of, working steadily, she was exhausted by bed time), and showers for the little girls. Sadie informed me at dinner that she hopes Sawyer is allergic. Her friend Sophia is allergic to peanut butter and Sadie is downright jealous. She told me that she is not allergic to peanut butter but she is allergic to the dark and to fast rides and not to jelly but she thinks jelly is disgusting (where did we get that child?). We officially broke out the hot chocolate tonight and that was our dessert after dinner. We ate dinner at like 4:55 because we were all starving.

I know, the excitement is unbearable. You are all jealous. Well, it is 11:04 and I have to go start the bedtime, sleeping, potty, heartburn routine. I can't wait. Aunt Paula, you are in our prayers. We all love you all so much. Take care. Love, me


At 6:20 PM , Blogger Darla said...

oh Brooke! I love you! How are you doing it?! I think about you all the time and even tear up quite a bit while doing it. I guess it's the post baby hormones. It's good to know other women have days as crazy as mine seem to be (don't you just love it when people say that? I'm sure it doesn't make you feel any better). We miss you guys!


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