Thursday, September 20, 2007

thank-you for coming, it was great fun!!!

i just returned from the airport and geof. called to say that darla and co. made the flight.  i am going thru the house and gathering all the little items that were left so that i can mail them off.  my plan is to gather up the rest of the bedding, finish up the washing, vacuum thru quickly. i will clean out the epperson's suburban, wash and fill it with gas and return it along with the crib and clothes to erickson's.  then finish raking out the bark, weeding, fix the sprinkler head that popped off, finish raking the orchard and do some work on the east side hill.  oh and take all the d.i. stuff to the stake house, vacuum and wash my car.  clean out the garage of everything that has been dumped in there from cleaning out the cars, take out the recycling, garbage, and compost.  do my visiting teaching, go to the temple,  wash down any little hand prints, get my drivers license renewed, book a ticket for germany, finish packing. and jack tells me it won't be halloween without my decorations so. . . and then i'm going to go visit a friend down in salem. and hang the picture i ordered for over the mantel that didn't arrive in time for the wedding.  it's the antique looking panoramic view of the sacred grove etc.etc.etc.. . . .  . . 

but then again . . . i think i'm going to start a load of wash so i feel like i'm getting something done and go sit down and read "twilight" till i fall asleep which should take all of 10 minutes.

i love you all thanks again for coming.  i am so blessed.  my prayers were answered for the wedding and paula coming thru the surgery so well.

aunt le anne

ps the pictures were great  and the jib jab hysterical!


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