Saturday, March 15, 2008


dayne: She has an obsession with touching her eyebrow and wrist. Usually she tries to touch both eyebrows and one wrist simulaneously. i'll try to get a picture posted. very funny. I just finished an excellent book titled Triumph. It's the story of Jesse Owens and the 36 Olympics held in berlin. When Brind and Julia came out to visit last week we went to the Holocaust museum in D.C. and part of it talked about Hitler using the Olympics as propoganda. So reading this book right after that gave a lot of detail on what the Jews were going through leading up to the olympics. Hitler proclaiming aryan supremacy while the black athletes from america ran circles around the rest of the world. It was very disturbing thinking about how a first world country was overtaken by a government which had never won more than 38% of the popular vote. stripping it's people of their rights. there was an interesting quote in the museum i can't remember completely. "When they took away the Jews I said nothing, when the communists were taken I said nothing, etc.., finally when they came to take me away there was no one to say anything." interesting to think how swiftly we can lose our rights i.e. the patriot act. well darla and dayne are out shopping and cole and I are watching the classic Robin Hood, what could be better?


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