congrats you've arrived. NOT. thanks wayne campbell. the roller coaster of aviation took a beautiful arc swing from apex to trough in a 24 hr. period. i arrived back from st. louis and that same night received a call telling me i was being down graded. 22 captains being demoted. possible furloughs for the jr. first officers. for those of you who plan on travelling buy your tickets now. prices will just go up as airlines stop flying many less profitable routes. hopefully you're elite so you can continue to travel in the future. if you are elite welcome aboard you're in 3c. the family is good we're just beating our head against the wall for the weekend wondering what we want to do.
I'm so sorry, Geof. and Darla. I wish we could send Cousin Eddy after Wayne Cambell.
it's actually wayne campbell from wayne's world. hulas kanodia is the owner responsible for treating us like peasants.
Of course, of course. I'm looking up uncle Eddie's number right now and Hulas Kanodia will be on your porch by morning.
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