Friday, May 02, 2008


Hey Dayne... so sorry for the late-ness of the wish, but we hope you had a happy birthday. I, um, have an excuse. The household birthday memorizer is half a world away, so I just happened to find out it was your b-day by being observant. I shuffled through some pics and found this of you and your cuzzin. Aren't you both dolls? You look like dolls. You are very loved in this household, as well as all others. Happy birthday!
Luvz the Allenz familiez.
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At 6:24 PM , Blogger Darla said...

wow. Dayne is HUGE! Cory, you're so sweet. All on your lonesome thinking of Dayne...thank you!

At 10:21 AM , Blogger Jane said...

Oh, Please Cory. That is no excuse. Your an uncle. You should know things like that!JUST KIDDING. Men are normally behind on things like that. We all love you anyway.

At 3:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

who's jane?


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