Friday, August 22, 2008

I second that, Jess

Jess, I've been keeping up with Nie Nie since April 2008 because I saw her link on your blog. I read your post here this morning then went over to C Jane's blog. Have you read the comments where people were listing their favorite Nie Nie posts? I shortened my work-out time so I could read some, I only got half way through. I cried almost the whole time I was on the rowing machine, thinking about the whole situation. I am grateful for what I've learned about gratitude, beauty, family, homemaking, and lovin' your husband from Nie Nie.

This morning as I ran through the house out of breath trying to do all that was on my mental list, I thought it would be fun to take a few pictures of things on "my list" (side note: Adam was talking about my mom the other day and how she has this huge list of things to do every day. He said I am the same way but because I have blogs to read to see that other women don't get their impossible lists done every day that I'm a little more normal. I thought that was a big endorsement for blogging from my hubby who has been known to mock my blog time).

Part of my morning list:

Quality time with Adam before he leaves for work (no picture)
At least 30 minutes of scripture study time. Right now I'm trying to keep Adam and I up to date on the Gospel Doctrine lesson and I'm reading the Pearl of Great Price with this text book I bought for a BYU religion class.

Tristan wakes up first. Usually happy. Usually poopy.

Kaia is next. She's been on a grumpy kick lately. This morning she woke up crying and saying that she couldn't breathe and she has been sitting on the foof almost the whole morning with complaints of a "tummy ache". Adam tried to tickle her and she cried and pouted about that longer than should be humanly possible.

Sierra could sleep in forever if I let her. This picture was taken at 8:30 a.m. and I forced her up shortly thereafter. Good thing we didn't end up with morning Kindergarten that starts at 7:45 a.m.!

My mom's birthday is today and I've been staying up late (believe it or not I've seen the clock strike 11 p.m. more than twice this week, and if I'm ever going to get any reading done that is going to have to start happening more often). Two books influenced this project: The Creative Family and Doodle Stitching. As Sierra was drawing out her design I pleaded with her to keep it simple. The picture doesn't show, but there are lots of complicated elephants and other objects that we still need to complete. Here is Kaia working on her name. I think she made all of two stitches before she lost interest. In the above picture Kaia is holding two cards I made at a card exchange party I went to last night. I've always envied your card club, Jess, and now I've found one to join! Now I just need a girlfriend's cooking club.

I'm breaking my pact to never post pictures of my house in a state of disorder. We are getting ready (mentally) for a garage sale tomorrow and hopefully we'll be able to put a magic price on some of this stuff so someone with relieve us of it.
This is the journal I've kept since we got married. I only put nice things about Adam in here. I haven't written since July of 2007, not for a lack of wonderful things to record about my beloved husband, but because it has been in LeAnne's garage. Now it is back and I can't wait to fill it up. I really love Adam.


At 9:55 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

i like......

At 11:17 PM , Blogger Jane said...

Jess and Mindi,

clicked on the link. Such a sad situation. Amazing and scary what can come our way. Sounds like a good family with lots of faith. I loved that article as well. I feel myself getting very anxious for Mike to be home so I can work my way out of survival mode.

Mindi, I Love the creative doodling thingy. I was just thinking about that the other day. Didn't know it existed, but thinking of little samplers from pioneers and thinking it would be fun to just create something winging it and then here is your little example. Pretty cool.

Um...who is gooooood girl? Is this a cousin I don't recognize?

At 11:17 PM , Blogger Jane said...

that was Brooke by the way

At 12:31 PM , Blogger Jessica said...


Great job on the cards and the apron. You are so crafty. I wish we lived closer so we could be in the same card club.

By the way, I saw in a comment that you were wondering how I found nie nie. My friend introduced me to her blog and I don't know how she found it.


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