Friday, October 31, 2008

Help me out!

Okay, Mike and I have not had to pay for utilities because of gov't. housing for many years. We are kind of out of touch on the whole cost of utilities thing but I just got our new Oct. bill for gas and electric and it was for $355.00. To me that feels outrageously high. Before any of you answer. Our gas is $45 for heat, we don't even have Mike's computer here yet. We don't even really watch t.v. on the weekdays, not even on the weekends for that matter, and I don't have my deep freeze plugged in. No xbox, wii, nothing (that's one of the reasons I am very frightened). I'm freaking out a little bit and I need input before I approach the electric company or my rental agency with some kind of conspiracy theory. Let me know, PLEASE!!!!


At 12:38 PM , Blogger Mindi said...

Utilities are painful, but your bill seems way too high. I think you should definately call the landlord and ask him/her what a typical month should cost then tell him/her to surround your cabin/home in insulation.

At 3:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two words: No Insulation.

Our old house really sucked the juice in the dead of winter, but never to that extent. Then again, power is relatively cheap up here. Worst we ever had was about $300 in February of 2007, during a cold spell when we ran the heat at night too. We usually run about $125 mo. average all year. I'd say have someone come in and seal off any spots where you can see daylight through the walls and you'll have a good head start.

At 8:37 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

Whoa, that seems really high to me too.

At 6:24 AM , Blogger Adam said...

sometimes people get dinged for useing more electricity than was used the previous year just the man sticking it to you "helping you to conserve" so check that also I would check to se when the meter was read before you moved in and wether or not they manually read the meter or if its electronic and see if an error occured there. we did an extimated bill for a year once, where they average everything out so you can budget better and after paying $180 for 11 months and telling them it was to low which they reassured they adjusted my bill quaterly they sent me a $700 bill


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