Sierra's First Race
Sierra and I had a race on Saturday. It was a 5K with a kids' run afterwards. Sierra won the first place prize for the 1st grade girls. It was $20 at a toy store. Plus she pocketed plenty of "swag" (including 3 hats/visors like the one she is wearing). She is still basking in the glory of winning. I reached my goal of a sub 24 min 5K, but as I type this my left leg is covered in ice packs and frozen peas (my shin and hamstring are giving me trouble and I'm doubting the wisdom of moving forward with my training schedule. Advice? Advil helps a ton, but I worry about being dependent on it for the next two months).
When I crossed the finish line they announced that I was the 50th finisher. I was excited 'cause the website said the 50th finisher won $50. But when it was all said and done, I came in 47th. If you look in the back ground you can see Adam's new red toyota truck (how did he get such an awesome parking spot, you ask? He is Adam) .
That is so great, Sierra, 1st place! And congratulations on your time Mindi. That is great! I guess I never really pushed myself enough to get an injury so I can't help you out. Nice truck Adam!
Good for you Sierra, Mindi, and Adam (for the sweet parking spot)!! I have my surgery tomorrow morning and I'm just hoping (and praying) that it won't be long 'til I can RUN again!
Way to go Sierra! And Mindi! You girls rock. And no I'm not surprised Adam got such a sweet spot.
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