Friday, June 11, 2010


So five days without a post - sad very sad! Everyone must be feeling as overwhelmed with life as I am. Dance Festival is 13 days away and boy am I excited. It is all consuming. I think, worry, dream about it every second of the day and night. Every time I turn on my phone we play "how many new e-mails does mommy have". It's a great game and always keeps us guessing. Yesterday I left my phone home for three hours and when I got back I had twelve new emails and 10 missed calls/voicemails. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I love it, it's going to be fun and wonderful and exciting and testimony building and all that good stuff-- I am just ToTaLlY in over my head. Harris won't know what it is like to nurse without mommy emailing at the same time. "what she has TWO hands!". This is a 'growth' calling like no other. I am very unorganized, I hate making decissions and I'm not very good with follow through. Well God has a plan to change all that. We have the largest stake of the seven that are participating and I think I am the only one without an assistant. Thankfully I have great support from the high counselmen and ym/yw presidents. Ok enough whining…I just wanted to address my lack of participation on the blog. It will soon change. Bring on summer! Does anyone want to come for the 4th of July? I will be really fun by then and Ellynn & co. And adam & co. will be here and we will be blessing the sweetest little man on earth. So come on up! Oh yeah and Brooke & co. if they love me;).
This here is a picture of my very demanding very loving helper girl.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


At 7:48 AM , Blogger Joan said...

Between you and Brooke I don't know how you do it. Good luck with everything!

At 8:40 AM , Blogger Darla said...

So I hear Sadie's baptism is the 3rd? Is that Harris's blessing day, as well? I thought it was the week before. We might not be there, I'm afraid. I wish!! We need to leave by the 3rd, though so we can be back to our family reunion by the 5th (and I really don't want to be driving on the 4th). Wow, Meags! Life IS hectic, for you! Good luck!!

At 9:15 AM , Blogger Mindi said...

Plus we are running the Yacolt Bigfoot 5K at 9:30 a.m. on the 3rd, right?!

I know, I know that might be too much.

At 11:56 PM , Blogger Meags said...

Blessing on the 4th. Oh d I wish you could be there, but I will take what I can get. Can't wait to see everyone. Wish geogry could come!!! And mind I'm planning on the race. I think we can make it work. Thanks for all the well wishes I will need them all!!

At 8:33 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

I wish so badly that we could come up there over the 4th. I even had Tony check his summer school schedule. Sadly he has a test on the 1st, clinic on the 2nd and has to be back to school on the 6th. So although I love you guys and would love to party it up with you, 24 hours of driving would not be worth the one day we would be able to stay.


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