Wednesday, January 11, 2006

three days down- a million more to go

Oh Martha, Oh Christmas. Today I have been downright teary eyed thinking of the revival of our beautiful blog. It was SOOOOOO good to hear from all of you again. Mindi, I was estatic to recognize the German word in the title of your blog. We just learned "sorry" last night. The girls all came over to the computer and started practicing the words with me. Jane memorized them better than I did. Sadie now regularly says, "when we go to Germany." The rest of the German was a mystery. Someday, someday.

Leash, I can only say that follow through has been the best solution with Sadie. I've slacked off and it shows. It takes effort, especially with a baby in your arms to say she'll go to time-out and then not give her another chance. Mike was really good at it with Sadie. He'd just pick her up and set her down. She knew why too. I really like The Nanny- Jo, not the set of three. She was very good and she'd had 15 years experience with real kids. Anything that I ever saw her do (she was on after 24) seemed very reasonable and calm. I have spanked Sadie, it wasn't effective with Jane (she would rather die than be taken away from social situations, time out was perfect). Ellyn either ignores me or stops what she is doing when I say no. I have tried to be careful spanking Sadie. I can honestly say it has never been a reaction to anger, that's when I really have to watch because she can make me incredibly frustrated. I agree with Mindi's advice most of all. Pray, this child was sent to you because you are the very best mother for her, follow your gut and don't worry what other people think. I know that is a concern for you. I tend to be the same way. Also, remember this is just a phase. Her reasoning skills will become keener very soon and it won't be such a challenge. Wow, don't I just sound like the mothering guru? I only wish. In the meantime it makes for fabulous blogs so feel free to continue to vent. I love you all. Off to bed. Love, Brooke


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