Friday, March 24, 2006

hi ya

All day long I check the blog then curse when I see that I have already read the latest posts.  I start cursing all of you, my lazy cousins and siblings, while doing so I realize that I am one of you.  But your lives are far more entertaining than mine.  Brooke and I tried to go on a picnic, but the whether would not cooperate, (it was pouring down rain and although sadie tried to convince me it was just a man trying to wash all of the cars I knew better), so we had a picnic in her freshly cleaned car.  What a sweet sister I have.  The nerts party is at my house tonight which goes against everything I stand for.  Jess, remember how you knew when anyone walked into your room because no matter how careful they thought they were being they always messed something up.  Yes that is how I feel now.  I know it’s not right and I also know that it makes my life much less fun than it otherwise would be, but I can’t help it.  I tell myself a hundred times a day that I am not my mom, but I don’t know if it is working.  Actually, I’m not her, if her house got trashed, like it does every weekend, she works her butt off until it is better than it started.  Me, I just give up.  So gradually my house is getting more and more run down.  When we finally get to build our house, I am going to turn it into a museum.  Look, don’t touch; we can live in the “party barn” as Cory has already named it.  

The kids are cute and I’m sure I could think of a story or two if I really tried, but I don’t like stressing my brain like that.  I can tell you one thing they haven’t done and that’s cut their hair.  I would just die!!  Wil’s hair is passed brind long, and is now more like Adam post mish long.  He is so gorgeous.  Jack is my little jack o lantern and oh so smart.  The other day I was blow-drying Bennett’s hair and as she flips her head back and looks in the mirror she says, “oh thank you mommy, I really am beautiful”.  And hazel is perfect in every way.  Cor is doing the one and a half job thing, plus picking up all the slack that I leave.  I am a very lucky girl.  Except that I’m not in the Phils with the others.

                                                     Blog ya………me


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