Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Youth is wasted on the young

This evening Sadie spent the fifteen minute car ride back from Jane's lesson sobbing over the fact that she wants to be a baby again. She wants to be in my tummy and come out and play with her daddy in Georgia. This morning she was furious that Ellyn and I both had Dr. appts. and she didn't. She made me promise that when she was four she could have one too. Yesterday Bennett was trying to explain that after Sadie was four she would be five. Once again Sadie was in fits. She didn't want to be five. "But you'll get a bigger bike," Bennett explained. "I don't want a bigger bike, I'm too little and I'll just fall off." It was too funny.

Hazel is deperately trying to help me type and I am desperately trying to keep her away. Jane has Jackson and Bennett downstairs trying out her Revolutionary War board game that she made for school. Now that sounds like a rip roaring good time doesn't it?

Meagan didn't mention that she watched my kids for a Dr. appt today or that Cory watched them last night for the R.S. birthday dinner. They take good care of me. Hazey needs to be rocked to sleep. Hurray that Lost is on tonight, I need the outlet. I love you all. Biscuits and gravy sound delicious to me as well. I need comfort food. I'm having a day. Blog out, Brooke


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