Thursday, April 06, 2006

It was me Aunt Jack

Well I can see that leaving my thought on the blog was a mistake! So I guess that as long as I have made everyone mad, I might as well finish this. First, why this was being brought up now is because while we were out of town, Alicia had a chance to read back over the blogs that she has missed out on. That is when she talked to me about the comments about “Crystal Meth” and how her feelings could have been hurt because of her brother-in-law that is an addict. Also with my recent problems with addiction, there could have been more hurt feelings. And just to clarify, it was not a conversation between the writer and the editor, it was editors! This made Alicia feel as though she was being ganged up on. If you haven’t noticed she hasn’t had much to say since because she was made to feel like an idiot and worries about what she writes. If you know Alicia you know that she would never say or do anything to hurt anyone’s feelings and would never admit that she had been hurt by this. It is easy to say "get over it" when you're not the one who was made to feel like an idiot. Once again writing it on the blog was something that I thought that I could do and let you all know that we all have things that may upset us, but they just need to be let go! Remembering that what you write is what happens to us and we all have flaws and this is what it is all about. How boring would this be if we all wrote things that were what we wanted people to think about us and not what really happens to us! I didn’t think that putting my name on it would make a difference; I just thought that it could be said and then left. We all know that I’m not shy about standing up for what I believe in. In this case it is my sweet daughter that wouldn’t hurt anyone, no matter what the circumstances and me still being an over protective Mom that feels as though I needed to come to her defense! I love you all and I’m sorry that this has turned into such a mess!!!! From now on I’ll leave the writing to you. Aunt Jack


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