Sunday, January 28, 2007

It's been way too long...

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Not having internet at home is hard and I haven't been at mom and dad's a lot lately because Tony hasn't been working nights.

Anywho, not too darn much has been happening. Work for me, work and school for Ton. I only have 6 weeks left. I am freaking out I am so excited. We started painting the nursery last week. We are doing pink and chocolate brown stripes. Hopefully it will turn out okay. We bought an adorable crib and I have decided I am going to make the bedding...hopefully that will turn out okay too.

Tony and I have been teaching primary together, the 11 year olds, but I was just called as a beehive advisor. I am way excited. Tony just got a new calling too, he is in charge of watching a little girl with cerebral palsy during primary. He trys to get her to stay in class or sharing time as long as possible and then just follows her around when she wants to leave. She can walk fairly well, she doesn't talk but she has her own little signs she uses. I guess she likes guys so that is why they chose Tony. He is excited, "I got put on easy street. It's like primary without having to teach a lesson," direct quote from Ton. Hopefully it will go okay for him.

Last Thursday and Friday I had the flu or something. I was in bed literally all day on Thursday. Tony left in the morning and came home at about 5 and I was still there. I barely ate anything all day, so you know I am sick if I can't eat. I got a little taste of what bed rest would be like and it wasn't pretty. I couldn't lay on my back or stomach and it hurt to lay on one side for too long so it was a long day. I hope things continue to go okay because bed rest would be a nightmare.

It is funny because just in the last few weeks I have been less comfortable. I have a hard time sleeping and I am achy when I wake up and I have been having back pain just on one side during the day. It is weird but a part of it all I suppose.

Adam congrats on the new calling. The YM are going to miss you I am sure. The igloo pictures rocked. Maybe one day you could teach us how to make one. Your driveway story reminds me of my driveway. It has snowed twice and I refuse to shovel and Tony hasn't had time so our driveway is an icy death trap. It is north facing so the sun can't melt it either. Too bad neither of our cars are 4 wheel drive.

Mindi, I wonder if Sierra picked up the whole sneeze into the elbow thing from my mom she is the queen of it. That is adorable...she is just very aware of germs.

Meags, good job on the trail run. Your b-day story was amazing. I should tell Tony to read it for some pointers.

Jordan and Michelle's b-days are May 21st or 24th, something like that. Sorry, not much help.

I am pumped that American Idol started up again. We had a AI premiere party with the fam. I seriously love that show.

Well I guess that is all. I will try and write more often and I will try and get my sisters and mom to write too.

Love you all,



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