Friday, July 27, 2007


Well hello all. I have missed the blog. I have a couple more to read before I catch up, but it sounds like life’s adventure is continuing with everyone. I know this is a couple weeks past but, I can't tell you all how much fun we had in Washington with the Allen clan and Uncle Ellery. I am so glad we made it before the big move. It was so nice to stay at Meag and Cory's house. It is such a great home, but I won't reminisce too much for the sake of Meagan’s emotions. Because I know how hard it is to leave. I still hurt when I think about our old house and how much I loved living there. It is especially tough in a home that was in need of renovations, when you renovate them yourself it really becomes your own. Well their house was awesome, but where they are headed is definitely worth the heartache. They really have come across an amazing piece of property. One that you could live your life in with no regrets what so ever. It is amazing, and I am so excited and jealous. If I could find a way I would be begging for a partnership and moving with the Bennett’s. That would be the life.
Well all is well here. Crazy busy, but good. We will be departing for girls camp next week. Yes, we... Cameron kind of had no choice in the matter I volunteered him for priesthood the minute we set the date. I knew I would need a strong anchor for my sanity. Just in case I come close to a nervous break down. I didn't want to take any chances. In all reality though, I think it will be a blast. We will be repelling, canoeing etc. On our last night we will set out around 3am for a sunrise hike up the glacier side of Timpanogos. It is about 9 miles to the top, but we will be stopping 7.5 miles up at a place called Emerald Lake where we will hold our testimony meeting at sunrise. Following the meeting, those that want to continue to the top to sign a register there can, but I thought it safer in sunlight. After doing quite a bit of reading once we reach the lake the hike becomes quite a climb with many boulders. I thought this might be too much of a liability issue. Just hiking to the lake is a 15 mile hike round trip. It will definitely be an adventure esp. with Beck and my camp directors 3 month old in tow. It sounds crazy but I think it will be great.
Aside from the Young Women my little bit of voice teaching has really taken off. At some point I need to learn to say no. Jordan’s wife told my Mom I needed to change some things because people are taking advantage of me. I couldn't agree with her more and here advice is just what I needed to hear. When I started teaching I said I would take no more then 10 students and at that point I would start a waiting list because I am a Mom first. Well... I haven’t done such a good job of keeping to my original plan as of the fall I will have a total of 17 students. And in all reality it really is too much esp. with everything else I am doing. I am afraid the things that matter most will start to suffer. As of right now I have been charging friends and family $10 for a 45-minute lesson. And my other students $15. Not only this but each student is taking home a CD with the recording of the lesson. So here is the advice. First I need to shorten my lesson time to 30 minutes which I totally agree with and will be implementing starting August. Second I need to be charging more. Michelle suggests $20 to $30 per lesson. In all reality the very most I would be willing to increase is $5 more per lesson. But even this is would be tough. I agree with all those who have put in their 2 cents on the matter that the friends and fam should be paying $15. But I don't know if I can increase it for everyone else. As of right now over half are receiving the discount. Well I am looking for your advice on the matter if anyone has an opinion let me know cause right now I am struggling. But something definitely needs to change I am having many no shows, this or 15 minutes prior to lesson quick phone calls letting me know they can't come. They are all very apologetic. As of now I will offer a make up and sometimes I will not charge. This she said should change to 24 hours notice or they are charged etc. I am going to be invoicing soon, because yes receiving payment is sometimes a problem also. My time is becoming very precious. Every minute I give to teaching is another away from my kids. Michelle said these changes would weed out those who are and are not serious about lessons. I agree, but it is quite scary for me to do this. Any input would be welcome.
Ok enough about me sorry. Well the kids are doing great. Harley and Liza are enjoying there last days of summer together. In the 100-degree weather we have spent as much time as possible in the water. Harley's play is coming right along. Beck has been a little under the weather. I took him to the Dr. yesterday because he had shot a high fever, and in the last week I think I have washed my sheets at least 4 times because following every 6am feeding he loses the entire meal everywhere, following a 3-minute coughing attack. Yesterday when they said we would send him in for x ray, I had a moment of panic. But all is well he has a little bronchitis in his chest, but with some antibiotics and some TLC he should be back to normal in no time. The nights have been hard on him with continuous coughing attacks, but his days are much better. He is really looking up today I don't think it will be long. Well I love you all.
P.S.Chels I would love a copy of your spreadsheet. My 10-year is in less than a month.


At 7:44 AM , Blogger Darla said...

MOni, look at you!! I can't believe you have 17 students! Are you still doing it at your mom's house? Okay, in my opinion you need to be all business. Just write something up with all that you require and expect of your students, have them sign it, as well as you, and then make sure they know how serious you are. I would DEFINATELY charge for no shows. I'd let them know WHEN you're starting your new policy (maybe give them a month or so) and then just go for it. People will take you more seriously and respect you more if they know you mean business. I hope this isn't offensive. And I also hope that I don't sound like I'm some amazing expert. It's what I'd do though. I think $30 is a fine price for a 30-45 min. practice, but if you feel uncomfortable, go to $20, then to $25, and then up. You'll start weeding out those that don't care and working with real talent. You'll probably even enjoy it more this way. WEll, i hope that helps...if it makes any sense. We miss seeing you guys! love, Darla


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