Monday, July 16, 2007


Let me start out by saying I am truly amazed by the blog Jess and Ton. You guys are wonderful. Indie could not be blessed with better parents. We love you!

Last week was pretty quiet and seemingly slow. The boys have been gone since Tuesday afternoon and they get back today. They went with their grandma on their mom's side to a family reunion/camping trip ect. We hope they had a good time, but we are sure excited for them to be back.

Joey and I had our couples golf league on Friday night. It was supposed to be glow-in-the-dark golf with glow sticks, glow in the dark balls and everything, but plans changed. Apparently with all of the technology in this world...sprinklers get a little complicated. The course was unable to figure out how to turn them off from their regular watering time, which would've been during our game. I was disappointed, but pulled through. Instead the format was alternate shot golf between Joey and I. He would hit the ball then I would from where ever his would land, back and forth ect. It was pretty fun.

On Saturday, Joey played in a golf tournament with his friend. They won! I guess they have won this tournament 5 years in a row now. Pretty cool. When he was done, we drove up to my Dad's 2nd home in Eden up by Pineview Lake. We stayed Saturday night and golfed Sunday. It was so so hot! I played sorta bad...but it was still fun. The twins are 15 months now and they are adorable! They have their own little language and they "talk" nonstop. Pretty cute. We stayed up there last night as well, which made for an early drive home this morning. I am pretty tired, but it was a fun weekend!

Jack, thanks so much for doing the Birthday list. It is wonderful! Even though it's not officially official until December we are:

Joseph Christopher Covington November 14, 1975
Chelsea Marie Covington (almost) May 21, 1985
Keaton William Covington August 18, 1998
Isaac Sam Covington May 17, 2002

Cort, Ash and Linds are headed to California with my Dad this week. They will be gone for quite a while. They are going to an Angels baseball game and going to see Wicked. I hope they have fun! I'll try and get them to post pictures or at least post anything! Slackers....

Mindi, I think the blog you made for you house looks great. I'd buy it! Good luck with that...let us know how it goes.

Brooke and fam, on days like last week, I would switch you climates in a second. It has been over 98 all week! The heat definately effects me. Super hot is not all that great.

Meags and fam and Moni and fam....your weekend together sounded pretty awesome. I love Washington! I'm sure it was fun. Would love to see pictures!

I hope everyone is doing well and having a great summer!

blog out,


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