Thursday, August 30, 2007


So I wanted to be able to post some amazing pics of our trip to Alaska, but they're all on my brother's camera and I don't think it'll be anytime soon that we see them. Dang it! The trip was so so so great and Geof. and I have decided we'll have to do Alaska every summer. Even if it's just to escape the summer heat and humidity in Virginia. I love Alaska summers. You get to put on a nice snuggly sweatshirt at night and have a's great. Another reason I wanted to blog sooner than later was so I could tell you all about my meeting Heath Ledger in the Portland Airport. It was crazy. I had just leaving the Alaska Airlines ticket counter where I had FINALLY been able to catch a flight to ANchorage, when I walked past him. I got so close to him to find out if it really WAS him, that I finally just opened my mouth. "Hi, I'm sorry, I've really never done this before, but I just had to know...can I have your signature?" Yeah, I know it's "autograph", but this was a really nerve wracking surreal moment for me. He looked down at June in my front pack and said "is that a baby in there?" I introduced him to june and dayne and cole (who were halfway down the hall at this point). And then I said "hey, my husband really likes 10 THings I hate about you." He looked at me kind of weird and laughed, "is your husband a 16 year old girl?" ugh...I didn't really know what to say after that except that Geof. was from Seattle and that's why he appreciated the "setting" of the movie. So, it was kind of weird but left me with a little 'high' since i'd never met a movie star before. Moving on...Meags, please teach me how to can!! I need to learn. I know we canned growing up but i remember nothing about it. when i was staying at Renee's they had a huge bucket of blueberries that I completely gorged (um, I don't think that's the right word) on the whole time. It was wonderful. I don't know how you and your mom run sick by the way. You're crazy. I'll definately do Hood to Coast next summer..IF I'm feeling well. Jess, Indie is adorable! She is a little chubs! I'm jealous. My kids gain all their weight while IN the womb. June is all of 10 lbs....maybe. And she's 2 months old! We can't wait for the wedding. we just got the announcement today. Looks like Brind took that pic himself. way to go brinders! Anyway, i gotta run. dayne's potty training and i'm not quite ready to let her wipe herself. hope all is well. can't wait to see you all! ~Darla


At 8:44 AM , Blogger Chelsea Covington said...

I LOVE 10 Things I Hate About You! Seriously, my best friend in Jr. High and I decided one year that during Christmas Break we were going watch it every single day. I can pretty much quote the whole thing. The soundtrack isn't bad either. Also, Lydia is in love with Heath! So awesome! I wouldn't have known what to do either....


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