Sunday, August 26, 2007

Aunt Jackie

First of all-wow- I can't believe of all of Uncle Sharm's kids were there. That is amazing.

Secondly- thank you for sending me the recipe, that is exactly what I was looking for-one thing, it says teaspoons of citric acid but not how many.

Thank you for praying for us, we need it. Mostly so I stay a sane mother (okay, Mike and Ellyn might need them a little more). I told mom that I don't know why life has to be so drama. I would love stable and predictable for a while. Ellyn's little foot is in a cast for 10-14 days while they try to realign a little bone that eventually fuses with the other bones in her foot but got separated too far out to fuse- and enough to cause the pain and limping. Does that make sense? So she can't walk on it for that amount of time and now that it is stable that is all she wants to do. I must look entirely pathetic with my huge pregnant self carrying around a three year old in a cast but it actually hasn't been too bad.

How is Indie doing? It looks like, from the pictures, that she is doing Jane's hairstyle when she was little. Bald all around with a patch of red in the back. Is this accurate?

I have to go eat lunch. I love you all. love, me


At 12:15 AM , Blogger Jacki said...

Sorry 3 teaspoons, that makes it three of all three and then a gallon of water. Indie is doing great and the MRI will be on the 29th of Sept. now. Love you Aunt Jack


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