Monday, September 10, 2007


Mind, I would imagine being married to Adam would keep a healthy glow on your face just about 24/7. I don't know what else to tell you, you married him :).

I do love that quote from Pres. Kimball, but don't put me on a throne quite yet. While it sounds very dramatic to say that I have skin cancer and while shaving my head is a daily temptation with as much as Ellyn pulls my hair, I don't think I am as close to my death bed as my dear mother might have people believe. The melanoma is actually quite shallow, should not have entered my blood stream and besides the huge inconvenience of driving four hours (so they can properly monitor the baby) to have a chunk of skin taken out of my leg, this isn't too big of a deal. Now listening to my mom and Mike lecture me on putting sunscreen on my glowing white legs the rest of my life. That is tragic.

Another tragedy is that I will not be there this weekend for my brother's wedding and you all will. I am incredibly jealous. It will be a party and I don't know that I want to hear about it.

Chels, I can't believe how much you already have done for your wedding, obviously that gene must come from your dad's side. Jess, Indie is so dang cute, I just want to eat her cheeks.
Meags, Ad, Cory, and Min, I'm sorry Allenet fell through. Something will come up, plus I know how much Cory really just missed living in mom's basement. Cam and Monie tell Harley good luck for us. Wish we were there too.

I have to go squish my daughter now, she is impatiently waiting for my to attack her, my little Elbow.

I love you all. Love, me


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