Wednesday, October 03, 2007

i made it, sawyer can now make his appearance

germany is beautiful even tho it is overcast i'm used to that. haven't done much today. my stomach has been acting up again and because i wore my makeup over night i had an allergic reaction and my eyelids are all red and swollen. i'm really pretty, but should be back to normal tomorrow. i finished "eclipse" this afternoon. i was watching ellyn while brooke was at her meeting. i wouldn't let myself even start the book till i got on the plane and had written a letter to scott. it was so fun, now brooke is next to be "bitten." yes, it is definitely a teenage romance and i would have killed one of my girls if they had been hanging all over a boy like that etc. not a classic just a fun read. i really enjoyed it.

ok on to other more important things--brooke asked me if our ward r.s. would be interested in helping with stocking stuffers for mike's men. they have had some large Christmas stockings donated there are 165 men and they need fun stuff to fill them. i'm not going to be there to remind the sisters so i'm a little worried there won't be a great response. i was wondering if you would like to help? check with your y.m.'s, y.w.'s, r.s., elder's quorums, people at work etc. to see if they would like to donate.

here are some ideas: dry drink mix in small individual packets
used paper backs
good double edged disposable razors
candy--not chocolate or anything that will melt
toothbrushes, toothpaste
dental floss
chapstick with spf
sudoku, crossword puzzles
small non-breakable bottles of aftershave
cards and letters i said nothing political in our ward just in case some-
one felt like this was a good time to let their views on
the war be known. i'm surprised how many people
start to tell me how they feel about the war when i
tell them i have my son-in-law in iraq right before i
change the subject.
small cans of pringles, snacks

basically anything you can come up with that would be fun in a Christmas stocking.
we need it here in germany by the lst of nov. so we can stuff the stockings and get them in the mail to iraq. i know that it doesn't give you a lot of time, but then it will concentrate the effort.
oh, no pork products or by products of pork and no pornography--warn the r.s. sisters not to mail out the calendar of the 12 hottest women in the ward.
i have to tell you today i went to the school with brooke and ellyn to have lunch with sadie. she was so cute. she introduced me to all her best friends. i looked over at sopie's lunch box and i could see a note from her mom. i know--none of my business, but i did read it anyway:
my sweet little sophie,
i talked to your daddy last night. he said to tell you how much he loves you
and misses you. he wishes he were home so he could hug you and tickle you. . .

i am such a boob. it was a good thing my eyes were already red. every prayer in this home they ask that mike and his men will be blessed and kept safe. we are so blessed to live in the country we do and enjoy the freedoms we have. there are a lot of people risking their lives for those blessings.
thanks for your help. let me know if you have any questions. love, aunt le anne


At 8:06 PM , Blogger Mindi said...

Wow, LeAnne, this is perfect. I needed a good YW project. Where do we mail the stuff too?

At 11:36 AM , Blogger Darla said...

I emailed the RS Pres. about the project. She was wondering how much it would cost to buy and ship all the stuff to GErmany. How many stockings should we look at doing?

At 1:52 PM , Blogger Brooke said...

Hi girls, you would mail the stuff to me. It costs the same as mailing something state side, because it is a military APO. We are doing 165 stockings so any amount of stuff helps. Also, someone might choose to donate money for mailing versus actual supplies.

Let me know if you have any other questions. love, brooke

At 2:58 PM , Blogger Darla said...

Alright. I'm trying to figure this out. You just need the actually "stuffers", not the stockings themselves?

At 3:02 PM , Blogger Darla said...

Yes, I just needed to re-READ your blog. Sorry. No more questions. We'll see what we can do! Thanks!


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