Wednesday, November 21, 2007


So Cole's sooo obsessed with being Spiderman (as the Washingtonian's witnessed). All day yesterday he kept telling Geof. and me how he wanted to be Spiderman when he grew up and he was so excited. Then he could REALLY climb walls and shoot webs!! And then he asked me and Geof. if we wanted to be Spiderman with him when we grew So my friends gave us the Spiderman costume that he wore for Halloween because she could see how happy he was in it. I went ahead and bought 3 more costumes from a lady up in Maine off of craigslist for his birthday. Now he'll have 2 Spiderman (one is just his size), the Hulk, and Batman. And they all have built in muscles. He's gonna die. We went to our friends for dinner on Sunday and I don't know...maybe we learned our lesson about jumping on the tramp on the Sabbath. (; Our friend was jumping all the kids on the tramp and Dayne doesn't do too well with that kind of thing. I guess she landed wrong on her leg and let out a cry that Geof. says "was nothing like he'd ever heard out of her". So we brought her in and checked it out (the guy was a doctor), and nothing seemed to hurt her that we pressed on or tried to rotate, but she didn't walk all that night or the day after. Poor Geof. brought her to our ped. who sent them to the hospital for an xray...nothing. They spent all morning checking her out and she turned out to be okay. We still think she pulled something because she's still limping. We cut up her binkie when we got home from the trip. She's okay with it but still finds a way to steal June's NEWBORN binkies for bed at night. Oh well, I tell myself. As long as she isn't entering Kindergarten with a binkie in her mouth. June's so adorable. She's gotten to be just as loud as the other two. I went to institute yesterday morning and she was talking so loudly that I had to leave 3 times. Everyone asks me if 3 is harder than 2. Not really. Two was hard for me because Cole was harder. He at least stays close now when we run errands. Well, I'm rambling. Geof. and the kids are showering so I have a little bit of sanity for the next 15-20 minutes (yes, Geof. takes extemely long showers). Geof.'s going in for recurrency (sp?) in a week and a half or so. He's been studying like crazy hoping he passes. I'm sure he'll be fine...and then soon after he'll put in for upgrade which I'm crossing my fingers and praying that we'll soon get. A captain! That'd be such a blessing. Moni, loved your blog. That was a good quote for me. We still don't know whether or not we're gonna do preschool for Cole. They do ALL day, everyday preschool here and I'm definately not doing that..but in our situation, our tiny apt., no kids in our complex, we might just have to do something extra. But it's CRAZY how many people are consumed with getting their kids into preschool out the earliest ages..1 1/2, 2..and they're all private and extremely expensive. Weird. It's gorgeous out here so plan your trip to the east either next fall or Spring. HOpefully we'll be in a house! love to all. ~Darla


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