Monday, January 28, 2008

Couples Quiz

What is your spouse's name? Adam Ellery Bennett

How long have you been together? About 7.5 years

How long did you date? Two months dating, two month engagement.

Who eats more? I eat more often, so most likely I eat more.

Who said I love you first? He did, but in a non-direct kind of way.

Who is taller? He is.

Who is smarter? Adam wins street smarts (which is his super human quality), I win book smarts (not quite as useful).

Who does the laundry? I do. If I remember to leave it piled up on the couch at night, sometimes he'll fold it while he watches tv.

Who does the dishes? Sierra.

Who sleeps on the right? When you are lying in bed or looking at it? He sleeps on the right when you are looking at it.

Who pays the bills? It's all automatic these days.

Who mows the lawn? When we had a lawn, I would mow it.

Who cooks dinner? I'd like to say I do all the time but Adam is a great cook and takes over on the days he can see that look in my eye (or lack thereof, a glazed over kind of look like Goldie Hawn on "Overboard")

Who drives when you are together? Always Adam. Makes him more of a man, I guess.

Who is more stubborn? He is

Who kissed who first? I would have to say he kissed me

Who asked who out first? He asked me on a group date with his mission buddies and their dates. I think we saw, "Everest".

Who proposed? He proposed in a gazebo, overlooking Utah Lake, with our mtn. biking clothes on (but no bikes)

Who has more siblings? He has twice as many.

Who wears the pants? Is this a feminist question? How about if I say we are equal partners.

Tag...Anyone who wants to reflect on your love life :)


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