Monday, January 28, 2008

Robbins Family

Okay, there is absolutely no excuse for why I have not been better about blogging with all of you. To be honest each week when Cameron and Monica are here for Sunday dinner I will hear about something that has come out on the blog in the past week and feel bad that I'm not on. It is just so overwhelming. You have all been doing it for so long and I find myself spending hours reading about each of your families. I decided that the best way to start would be to only allow myself to read the last couple of days so my knowledge of what's happening is obviously limited.

Last night when we heard the news about President Hinckley we immediately turned on the tv to see if it was true. I know I should have been expecting it to happen but I was totally taken off guard. I just thought he seemed so healthy at the last conference and at Christmas. I guess I wasn't taking into account how many years he has been here serving. Kel reminded me that President Hinckley is the only prophet that he has ever known which reminded me of when President David O McKay died, I think I was about ten or eleven. I remember such a feeling of loss. I have felt that each time one of our prophets has completed his work here on earth, and I feel that loss again today. What an amazing prophet! He has inspired me so much through his teachings and example. I am so grateful for the influence he has had on my life to be better. I know I am not alone in how I feel.

Just to let you know, we are all doing just fine at our house other then the fact that we currently being buried in snow. Actually, I love it!

Here's an update: Cameron keeps you up to speed with their family so I'll just tell you about the boys. Jordan and AJ have been spending a lot of time together in the past week writing a song. Michelle is busy getting the Tigerettes ready for the State Competition this coming Saturday. Joel is in Salt Lake today taking an aptitude test. He put an application in several months ago to be an aircraft controller. Apparently, he made it through that step but now we'll see what happens after today. He is still determined to be a pilot though, this will just help with that goal. Jan is still in Lugano, Switzerland. He loves the work and the people. He has been out ten months now and is feeling pretty good about the language. In fact, he must feel comfortable since he has found that he likes to speak in church. I already told you about AJ but as well as the song with Jordan he is almost finished with a piano composition he has been working on since last summer. Kel turned 16 at the end of December but will not get his driver's license for a couple more weeks. He is going on his first date and dance February 8th with an older woman. She's a junior and he's a sophomore. Bill and I just continue to get older and more blind by the day.

I hope this hasn't been too boring but if I'm going to start writing I wanted you to know what's happening in my life. Hopefully, I will catch up with all that's happening in your lives in the next few days. I love you all and feel very blessed to be a part of this great family.

Aunt Paula


At 1:22 PM , Blogger Brooke said...

Aunt Paula, I'm so excited you are on the blog. Thank you for writing. I need to find out where Jan is and see if we could see him somehow on one of our trips. I love hearing about your life.


At 10:14 AM , Blogger Jacki said...

Very good job, nice to see you here!!! Love Me


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