Sunday, February 24, 2008

va in ri

well greetings from the lovely ocean state. Rhode Island is rediculously gorgeous and i just got back to the hotel after walking all over the place. Jack, mom is still in Richmond and is currently watching darby o'gille and the little people with my little people. it was a lot of fun having mom out here while darla went out to texas to help with her sisters new baby. we had a lot of fun walking all over richmond. Adam happy birthday again you truly are the best brother and friend one can have.
So I had a cruel awakening just the other day. I was driving down the road with my children. this i am alright with. the fact that I was driving a mini van while they sang along to spidey and friends was not. i always looked at my friends parents who drove mini vans and played crap childrens music the same way i looked at women who wore moo moos to church. their life was kinda over. so I'm growing my hair out for a comb over and buying a sports car. not really but a mullet could be cool. life is good we really missed not being there for the fondu party and wedding but will swing out to utah one of these days. alicia i would really appreciate some more stories of you children. it usually leavs me rolling on the ground for a while and lets us know that we're not alone with cole and dayne. dayne's favorite thing to say by the way is "no he's the one" it refers to cole always being to blame. it's kind of like we've cloned meagan.


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