Wednesday, April 09, 2008


I can't sleep, so I'll tell you a story. When Sierra was a baby, I used to make a lot of bread. But with each following child, I had less and less desire to spend any time in the kitchen. Something clicked this weekend, and I'm back at it. Also, I love to experiment. It is my quest for the perfect sandwich loaf. Soft, not too crumbly, healthful and awfully delicious. We had friends over on Saturday evening between conference sessions. I wanted to make bread, so I started some dough after the morning session. I tossed in some experimental items like ground flax seeds and ground sunflower seeds. It was all working out so wonderfully until I decided to make a "quick" trip to Costco while the dough was rising. Everyone and their mother was at Costco and it took forever. By the time I got home, my beautiful dough had risen to the braking point and collapsed in on itself. Tragic. I tried to knead it and re-raise it, but it just didn't work out. But yesterday I decided to try again. I threw in a few new items for fun and it turned out really well. The bread on the right is a demonstration of how homemade bread shouldn't look.

Adam came home with three tiny bunnies yesterday. I'm pretty sure he thought I'd say "H---, NO!" But I fell in love with them and insisted we go to Pet's Mart right away to get supplies. The whole time we were in there he had a look on his face like, "I can't believe I'm spending money on these bunnies." Needless to say, the girls adore them. Adam kept telling them that we were only raising them to get big and fat so we can eat them. No one seemed traumatised by that statement, which worries me. Also, just so you know that Sierra's hair doesn't always look how it does in the picture above, I've posted the following. She is growing out her bangs and yesterday I was so proud of myself for being able to french braid them. This lasted little less than half an hour.


At 3:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

we had a rabbit when we moved into our last house. we would often put it on a leash on a stake in the yard and let it wander around, eating grass and such. our older neighbor guy would tell us that "that things gonna wrap itself up on a bush and get caught." we thought he was crazy... only to come home one hot, summer day and find that the rabbit did wrap itself around a rhodie bush and dehydrate to death under the summer sun. we quickly hid the rabbit as to not git a big "i told you so" from the neighbor.

At 4:56 PM , Blogger Joan said...

We also had a rabbit that we gave to Lindsey when she was little. It was the only boy, other than Brad and it's name was Jackson. As it got older it was mean! It peed in Lindsey's room because we couldn't get it to go back in the cage. (Which now that is gone with new carpet) We would put it in the garage and leave it's cage door open hoping it would leave, but never would! Needless to say our neighbor took it to give to his friend to go live on a rabbit farm. I just don't think boy's do real well living here cause both of them are gone now!

At 7:05 AM , Blogger Darla said...

we didn't have a rabbit. Our neighbor did though and I used to watch them from our bathroom window (this was in Colorado) and would get so mad because the boy and his friends would torture the poor thing. ANyway, my kids are soo excited to come and see the rabbits and YOU are going to have to teach me to french braid okay??

At 9:51 PM , Blogger Jane said...

Those are so cute!


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