Monday, May 19, 2008


Hi Fambily, I hope you are all doing well. I have just had one of those days where you are pretty tempted to put your kids to bed at 6 but you can't because they still haven't eaten dinner. Actually, I had dinner ready and cooking while we were at soccer practice but then Jane and her friend rode home from soccer on their bikes and Maddie's mom wasn't home yet and so the girls were playing in the backyard and then Sue came over to get Maddie and stayed and talked for about an hour. I would have offered to feed them too but I didn't have enough and now with this everything fresh or frozen thing it isn't like I can just whip it up in two seconds. It was good to talk to her, we just didn't eat until oh 7:45 and then went straight in to scriptures and stories. The story part was cut short because I have the biggest punk you can possibly have for an almost 6 year old without that child being an actual juvenile delinquent. Also, Ellyn has had a cold for almost a week now which has resulted in temper tantrums several times a day, lethargy the rest of the day, and who can blame the kid? She's miserable and now so am I. Okay, I am going to stop venting now.

Just so you all know and in case you care, our reassignment packet is in. Mike's commander has signed it and now it is moving up the chain. I really don't quite know when we will hear back. So please keep that in your prayers.

Geof. and Darla, I am so sorry to hear the news. I know something will work. You all are in our prayers.

So I had an interesting experience on Friday that I thought I'd post. I put it on Sundry Seven with the intention of posting it right away on here and on Breezy but I just never got the chance so here goes-

Friday the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen came to Vilseck to talk to all of us here. It was at 2:30 and I wasn't going to go. Ellyn is home sick with allergies and I found out about it too late to get a sitter. But then Jane and I were at the PX getting some printer paper and I saw this huge entourage and I thought that if they were coming to address issues and I had an issue and if I could be the only one to say something than I had better go. was at the movie theatre on post. I nursed Sawyer and put in a movie for Ellyn, I put the phone on vibrate, and told Jane to ring as soon as either of them made a peep and I could be home in 5 minutes. By the way, no one knew who our distinguished visitor was going to be. Well I sat there debating when or how or if I would say anything when a woman raised her hand and she asked about improving the screening process for EFMP, ADM. Mullen asked what she meant and if she could give an example. She said "I don't know, like autism." and then kind of petered out and you could tell she didn't really want to say anymore or that she didn't know what to say. So I raised my hand and they brought over the mic (not intimidating at all) and I said I could give an example. Then I told a VERY brief story of our family and calling before we got here and being assured of the services and what we faced when we got here and that now we were forced to ask for reassignment. Then ADM. Mullen asked what services there should have been and I told him and I told him that Ellyn's teacher had told me just a few days before that she had interviewed about 10 new families that week and she could tell that several of them were going to end up with a diagnosis of autism. Then his wife stood up and asked if she could have my name and e-mail address, that she worked with a woman that was heading up the autism issues within the military and that she knew she would like to hear our story and have my input. I'm not saying all that to brag but because I'm really happy that I went and got to put our story out there and hopefully make a difference. When Mike and I debated me moving home for the deployment I felt like I should stay, despite the obvious lack of services. One of the reasons I thought maybe I should stay was that I might be able to say things and do things that maybe younger, enlisted families might not be able to. The sad fact is that they will listen to an Officer's family much more willingly than enlisted. Plus they know you, you go to meetings and social functions together. This year I have been able to say quite a bit in a few different situations and now I feel comfortable moving:) Anyway about 10 minutes later my phone buzzed and I had to leave.

I think I'm off to bed now, actually I take that back, Mike just got on i-chat. I love you all.


At 1:17 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

Brookie, you are so brave and awesome. Good job for being the voice for so many people.

At 2:17 PM , Blogger Ellynn said...

Brooke, that is awesome. i'm so glad you were there and were able to put accross your point in a matter of fact and sisinct (sp?) way that that other poor woman couldn't. now come home!!!

At 2:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go hoss. I'm proud to call you a sister. Sounds like you have a little bit of a cold yourself, saying 'Fambily' and all. Hobe you ad Ellyn ged bedder sood.
lub cory


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