Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So after calling almost every female Bennett relative I know (not you Ellynn, I still need to call you because I messed up my hair dye again) and not hearing back from them I started to think I had too much time on my hands. "Perhaps no one calls me back because they are genuinely too busy and I need to be more busy," I thought. So yesterday I vac/mopped, rode several miles to the middle school to get my kids a free government lunch (see my blog for more info), came home in time for a YW to come over to "help" me during nap time (I had to set up a secret plan for this girl to apologize to another YW to try and bring peace back to the program), painted the front and back door and touched up some gutters (we have a guy flying in from Oregon this weekend to look at buying the house, please join us in prayer that he gives us a great offer and this year-long house selling can finally end!), had YW "help" me make bread and honey butter, fired up the grill and made us all dinner (I had to add this because this YW said "girls don't grill!" to which I did my best to scoff and produced the best hamburgers and hot dogs of my grilling career), made another attempt to mail Sadie's birthday gift but UPS wanted to charge an outrageous amount so I'll have to keep trying (the reason this is so difficult is that I've sworn in my wrath that I'll never go into a post office with three kids again and I always seem to have three kids with me), coerced YW to write an apology letter and drove her to deliver bread and honey butter as a peace offering to other YW, dropped her off at home, filled up my truck with gas while listening to a man predict that gas would soon be at $6 a gallon (later Adam affirmed the truthfulness of this statement), wanted to burst into tears because my legs hurt from biking the kids around so much (plus doing the Tony Horton work out videos that Adam and I bought), stopped crying and told myself I need to be a better Bennett woman (just kidding I wasn't crying and Kaia has been requesting me to read a book every day that talks a lot about being a better Wemmick (can you guess the book?)), met Adam at Costco where we felt like a normal stock up on food cost about $100 more than usual, helped a pregnant lady from our ward (pregnant with twins and literally about to deliver any minute) in Costco put 25 lbs. of sugar into her cart so that she could make jam the next day (she asked Adam if I make jam, to which he had to reply "no" but said something about me saying I need to make bread more often because of the rising cost of Costco bread), buy groceries (several comments from other shoppers "boy you sure do have your hands full" in reference to the wild children prancing all around our cart), unload groceries at home, have FHE (lots of yelling and fighting about which story we should read from the Friend), put kids in bed, do dinner dishes, make several phone calls relating to YW, tried really hard to collapse in bed but couldn't fall asleep for another hour and a half. Woke up and read Brooke's blogs and realized that she does all this and 10 times more plus she does it with no sleep. The rest of you do a lot more too. Next month we are looking forward to a week at girl's camp, a week at the family reunion, and moving (we still don't know where, Adam just called to say I need to figure that out today). Busy, busy blog out...


At 7:36 AM , Blogger Jacki said...

Wow!!! You are great and wonderful and I marvel at all you do!!! Love you Aunt Jack

At 8:18 AM , Blogger Ellynn said...

mindi i don't think anyone could look at that list and scoff. you do a ton! you really are wonderful. and if you are referring to mom, meagan, or brooke not calling you back, don't feel bad. they don't do that very often. just keep calling til you get em. or call cory, that's my solution.

At 2:29 PM , Blogger Meags said...

yes mindi i never call anyone back and now it is even worse because i have lost my phone

At 6:30 PM , Blogger Darla said...

What the H%#@ (I rarely do that) Mindi!! Who ARE you? Happiness right? I went to a conference this weekend titled "Living After the Manner of Happiness" and I'm not sure I felt much better afterward. My fault probably right? Gardens right?? We all need them. You're the best AND sorry I didn't call you back!! Did you call?


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