Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Come On People!!!!!

Honestly, three in a row from moi and nothing more. Let me give you a topic....
Favorite Books

This is partly selfish because I am almost done listening to the one I'm on now and I need a new audio book for my runs.

Also, you need to ask Meags for the story about the runner who's ego she totally crushed because it is a great story.

Sibs, cuzins, don't make me have to use my angry voice. There are plenty on new babies out there that we need to see pictures of- get crackin' (plus, you don't want aunt Paula to stop reading the blog).

By the by, there is a fire alarm somewhere in my house that is chirping from a low battery. Mike and I have looked everywhere for that sucker and can't find it. I think it might be in the attic space. It's causing me to be a little bit crazy!


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